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dc.contributor.advisorYuwono, Arief Sabdo
dc.contributor.authorRamdani, Ahmad
dc.description.abstractDua fungsi utama dari fasilitas umum adalah memberikan pelayanan kepada penduduk dan menjaga kualitas lingkungan. Belum ditemukan indeks yang menyatakan parameter kenyamanan udara dalam ruang secara kuantitatif di tempat ibadah. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi dan memformulasikan indeks kenyamanan udara dalam ruang pada tempat ibadah berdasarkan kondisi temperatur, kebisingan, kebauan, kelembaban relatif, dan intensitas cahaya yang dapat menjadi rekomendasi terbaik bagi pemerintah kabupaten/kota. Penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode kualitatif berdasarkan pengisian kuesioner oleh responden dan metode kuantitatif berdasarkan pengukuran lima parameter di lokasi penelitian. Formula didapatkan dari hasil pembobotan berdasarkan kuesioner dan nilai indeks untuk setiap parameter. Indeks kenyamanan udara dalam ruang diperoleh berdasarkan lima tingkatan yaitu tidak nyaman, kurang nyaman, nyaman, cukup nyaman, dan sangat nyaman. Hasil penelitian memiliki nilai indeks tempat ibadah 4.0 pada Vihara Tridharma yang dinyatakan nyaman, nilai indeks 2.9 pada Gereja Immanuel yang dinyatakan cukup nyaman, dan kisaran nilai indeks 3.1-3.8 pada tujuh lokasi lainnya yang dinyatakan
dc.description.abstractTwo main functions of public facilities are providing services to residents and maintaining environmental quality. There is currently no index that states the parameters of indoor air comfort quantitatively for worship buildings. The research has identified and formulated an indoor air comfort index for worship buildings based on temperature, noise, odour, relative humidity, and light intensity that can be the best recommendations for district/city governments. The research has conducted using qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative method is based on filling the questionnaires by respondents and the quantitative method is based on the measurement of five parameters at the research site. The formulation obtained from the results of the weighting of the questionnaire and the index for each parameter. The indoor air comfort index is obtained based on five levels: uncomfortable, less comfortable, quite comfortable, comfortable, and extremely comfortable. The results of the research place of worship gave an index value of 4.0 at Tridharma temple that has declared comfortable, an index value of 2.9 at Church of Immanuel that have declared quite comfortable, and a range of index values of 3.1-3.8 at seven other sites that has declared
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleFormulasi Indeks Kenyamanan Udara dalam Ruang pada Tempat Ibadahid
dc.title.alternativeFormulation of Indoor Air Comfort Index for Worship Buildingsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcomfort indexid
dc.subject.keywordworship buildingsid

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