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dc.contributor.advisorFalah, Syamsul
dc.contributor.advisorSafira, Ukhradiya Magharaniq
dc.contributor.authorNi'mah, Naily Fitrotun
dc.description.abstractKeanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan obat di Kampung Tapos berpotensi untuk dikembangkan. Namun kajian tumbuhan obat masih belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan etnofitomedika Kampung Tapos dan studi pustaka uji khasiat tumbuhan obat. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan referensi untuk penelitian selanjutnya dan sebagai acuan dalam upaya peningkatan pemahaman masyarakat tentang tumbuhan obat. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan April sampai Oktober 2020 di Kampung Tapos dan secara daring. Metode pengumpulan data melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu studi pustaka, observasi, wawancara tidak terstruktur, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini, sebanyak 99 jenis tumbuhan obat didominasi habitus herba sebanyak 39%. Bagian yang paling banyak dimanfaatkan yaitu daun sebanyak 60% dan sebanyak 59% merupakan tumbuhan obat budidaya. Sebagian besar jenis tumbuhan digunakan untuk menyembuhkan kelompok penyakit saluran pencernaan sebanyak 23 jenis tumbuhan. Masyarakat Kampung Tapos masih mempertahankan kearifan lokal dalam memanfaatkan tumbuhan obat. Sebagian pengetahuan masyarakat telah sejalan dengan hasil penelitian ilmiah. Kata kunci : etnofitomedika, Kampung Tapos, tumbuhan obatid
dc.description.abstractThe diversity of medicinal plants in Tapos Village has the potential to be developed. However, there are not many studies were done on medicinal plants. This study aims to compare the ethnophytomedics of Tapos Village and literature studies on the efficacy of medicinal plants. This research is expected to provide a reference for further research and as a reference in efforts to increase public understanding of medicinal plants. The research was conducted from April to October 2020 in Tapos Village and online. The method of collecting data through several stages, namely literature study, observation, unstructured interviews, and documentation. The results of this study, as many as 99 types of medicinal plants dominated by herbal habitus as much as 39%. The most widely used part was leaves as much as 60% and as much as 59% were cultivated medicinal plants. Most types of plants are used to cure a group of 23 types of digestive tract diseases. The people of Kampung Tapos still maintain local wisdom in utilizing medicinal plants. Some of the people's knowledge has been in line with the results of scientific research. Keywords : ethnophytomedicine, Tapos Village, medicinal plantsid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerbandingan Etnofitomedika Masyarakat Kampung Tapos dan Uji Khasiat Tumbuhan Obat dari Studi Pustakaid
dc.title.alternativeEthnophytomedic Comparison of the Tapos Village Community and Test the Efficacy of Medicinal Plants from Literature Studiesid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordTapos Villageid
dc.subject.keywordMedicinal plantsid

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