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dc.contributor.advisorIlyas, Satriyas
dc.contributor.advisorPermatasari, Okti Syah Isyani
dc.contributor.authorYuliandira, Neny Priska
dc.description.abstractPeriode masak fisiologis benih ditentukan berdasarkan studi fenologi fase berbunga hingga menjelang panen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang fenologi bunga, buah, dan biji serta mengetahui akumulasi satuan panas yang tepat untuk menentukan masak fisiologis benih kangkung darat (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) dimana mutu benih mencapai maksimum. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan percobaan rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak satu faktor yaitu umur panen kangkung darat yang terdiri atas 15 taraf. Hasil menunjukkan, masak fisiologis benih kangkung darat varietas KK-02 dicapai 25-26 HSA dengan ciri-ciri buah dan biji berwarna coklat tua setelah dikeringkan. Saat umur panen 25-26 HSA, kadar air benih cukup rendah (9% dan 9,8%), sedangkan bobot kering benih (4,55 g dan 4,53 g), viabilitas (daya berkecambah 87% dan 84%), serta vigor benih (indeks vigor 79,0% dan 84%, keserempakan tumbuh 84% dan 83,5%, serta laju pertumbuhan kecambah 118,11 dan 106,83 mg kecambah normal-1) mencapai maksimum. Satuan panas kangkung darat varietas KK-02 saat masak fisiologis benih berada pada kisaran 1668,50 - 1685,50 °
dc.description.abstractThe physiological maturity period of the seeds was determined based on phenological studies from the flowering phase until before harvest. This study aimed to obtain information about the phenology of flowers, fruits, and seeds as well as to determine the appropriate heat unit accumulation to determine the seed physiological maturity of kangkong (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) where the maximum seed quality achieved. This study used an Randomized Complete Block design with one factors, namemly the seed harvesting time consisted of 15 levels. The results showed that the seed physiological maturity of kangkong cv KK-02 was achieved at 25-26 DAA with the characteristics of fruit and seeds dark brown color after drying. At 25-26 DAA, the seed moisture content was quite low (9% and 9.81%) while the seed dry weight (4.55 g and 4.53 g), seed viability (87% and 84% germination), and seed vigor (79.0% and 83.5% vigor index, 84% and 83.5% synchronization of germination, and 118.11 and 106.83 mg normal seedling growth rate-1) reached their maximum. Heat unit of kangkong cv KK-02 at the seed physiological maturity was 1668.50 - 1685.50 °
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenentuan Masak Fisiologis Benih Kangkung Darat (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) berdasarkan Fenologi, Mutu Benih dan Akumulasi Satuan Panasid
dc.title.alternativeDetermination of Seed Physiological Maturity of Kangkong (Ipomoea reptans Poir.) based on Phenology, Seed Quality and Heat Unit Accumulationid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordbobot kering benihid
dc.subject.keywordumur panenid
dc.subject.keywordviabilitas benihid
dc.subject.keywordvigor benihid
dc.subject.keywordharvest timeid
dc.subject.keywordseed dry weightid
dc.subject.keywordseed viabilityid
dc.subject.keywordseed vigorid

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