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dc.contributor.advisorZamani, Neviaty P.
dc.contributor.advisorBengen, Dietriech G.
dc.contributor.authorManalu, Khristhoper A. A
dc.description.abstractScylla serrata merupakan biota laut yang berasosiasi dengan ekosistem mangrove dan telah menjadi komoditas perikanan penting di Indonesia sejak awal tahun 1980-an. Pengamatan karakteristik meristik dan morfometrik S.serrata akan dilakukan di Teluk Youtefa, Jayapura dan Kalimaro, Merauke. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik morfometri dan meristik serta hubungannya dengan ekosistem mangrove. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dan deskriptif. Hasil uji homogenitas menunjukkan hasil yang homogen dengan korelasi (r) 0.80 dan (r) 0.85. Dan pada uji T diperoleh hasil 96,05% yang tidak berbeda nyata pada karakteristik meristik dan morfometri S.serrata. Fraksi substrat Kalimaro didominasi oleh lempung (28.53%) dan pasir halus (11.05%) yang berarti jenis substratnya adalah lempung berpasir, sedangkan Youtefa didominasi oleh pasir sangat kasar (27.00%) lempung (15.45%) atau Tipe pasir berlumpur. Untuk endapan C-organik pada substrat Youtefa (4.92%) dan Kalimaro (9.58%) dalam kategori baik, namun hasil korelasi menunjukkan Kalimaro (r) 95% sedangkan Youtefa (r) -95% dengan selang kepercayaan (p<0.05) ) ini berbanding lurus dengan kelimpahan Kalimaro (390 individu/Ha) dan Youtefa (110 individu/Ha). Kerapatan mangrove di Youtefa (4800-7800 individu/ha) didominasi oleh Rhizophora 73,1% dan Kalimaro (2600-3700 individu/Ha), didominasi oleh Avicennia 75%. Hubungan ekosistem mangrove dengan karakteristik S. serrata diperoleh hasil (r) 0,3997 Youtefa dan Kalimaro (r) 0,5991 atau hampir 60%, artinya ekosistem mangrove Kalimaro memiliki hubungan yang erat pada karakteristik meristik dan morfometri dibandingkan dengan Teluk
dc.description.abstractScylla serrata is a marine biota associated with mangrove ecosystems and has been an important fishery commodity in Indonesia since the early 1980s. Observations of the meristic and morphometric characteristics of S.serrata will be carried out in Youtefa Bay, Jayapura and Kalimaro, Merauke. The research objective was to determine the morphometric and meristic characteristics and their relationship with the mangrove ecosystem. The methods used are quantitative and descriptive. Homogeneity test results showed homogeneous results with a correlation (r) 0.80 and (r) 0.85. And in the T test, the results obtained were 96.05% which was not significantly different in meristic and morphometric characteristics. The substrate fraction of Kalimaro is dominated by clay (28.53%) and fine sand (16.84%) which means that the type of substrate is sandy loam, while Youtefa is dominated by very coarse sand (27.00%) clay (15.45%) or muddy sand. Type. for the C-organic deposits on Youtefa (4.92%) and Kalimaro (9.58%) substrates in the good category, but the correlation results showed Kalimaro (r) 95% while Youtefa (r) -95% with a confidence interval (p> 0.05) is directly proportional to the abundance of Kalimaro (390 individuals/m2) and Youtefa (110 individuals/m2). Mangrove density in Youtefa (4800 -7800 individuals/ha) was dominated by Rhizophora 73.1% and Kalimaro (2600-3700 individuals/ha), dominated by Avicennia 75%. The relationship between the mangrove ecosystem and the characteristics of S. serrata obtained results (r) 0.3997 Youtefa and Kalimaro (r) 0.5991 or almost 60%, meaning that the Kalimaro mangrove ecosystem has a close relationship on meristic and morphometric characteristics compared to Youtefa
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKarakter Meristik Dan Morfometrik Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata, Forskal 1775) Serta Keterkaitannya Dengan Ekosistem Mangrove Pada Kawasan Teluk Youtefa Kota Jayapura Dan Kalimaru Kabupaten Merauke Provinsi Papuaid
dc.title.alternativeMeristic and Morphometric Characters of Mangrove Crabs (Scylla serrata, Forskal 1775) and Their Relationship with the Mangrove Ecosystem in the Youtefa Bay, Jayapura City and Kalimaru, Merauke Regency, Papua Provinceid
dc.title.alternativeMeristic and Morphometric Characters of Mangrove Crabs (Scylla serrata, Forskal 1775) and Their Relationship with the Mangrove Ecosystem in the Youtefa Bay, Jayapura City and Kalimaru, Merauke Regency, Papua Provinceid
dc.subject.keywordscylla serrataid
dc.subject.keywordmeristik dan morfometrikid

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