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dc.contributor.advisorSulistyaningsih, Yohana Caecilia
dc.contributor.authorAfifah, Siti
dc.description.abstractSalam (Syzygium polyanthum Wight) merupakan tumbuhan yang termasuk ke dalam famili Myrtaceae. Salam dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pengharum dan penyedap makanan alami serta sebagai bahan obat diabetes, obat hipertensi, maag, malaria dan kanker. Ekstrak daun salam mengandung senyawa metabolit berupa alkaloid, flavonoid, fenol dan terpenoid. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari struktur anatomi, struktur sekretori dan menganalisis kandungan senyawa metabolit yang terakumulasi dalam struktur sekretori. Struktur anatomi, struktur sekretori dan histokimia diamati pada daun dan ranting. Salam memiliki daun hipostomata dengan stomata tipe parasitik. Berkas pembuluh pada tulang daun utama menyerupai bentuk hati dengan tipe kolateral tertutup, sedangkan pada ranting berkas pembuluh bertipe bikolateral. Pada salam terdapat kristal kalsium oksalat berbentuk drus yang tersebar di jaringan palisade daun dan empulur ranting. Struktur sekretori berupa rongga sekretori dan sel idioblas yang terdapat pada daun dan ranting. Rongga sekretori pada daun tersebar di antara jaringan palisade, jaringan bunga karang dan korteks pada ranting. Sel idioblas pada daun dapat dijumpai di antara jaringan epidermis, jaringan bunga karang, floem dan korteks pada tulang daun. Sel idioblas juga teridentifikasi pada korteks, floem dan empulur pada ranting. Alkaloid, terpenoid, fenol dan senyawa lipofilik terdeteksi pada struktur sekretori seperti sel idioblas dan rongga sekretori. Selain itu, senyawa tersebut dapat dijumpai pada jaringan umum seperti kutikula, jaringan palisade dan pembuluh floem pada daun. Terpenoid, fenol dan senyawa lipofilik terakumulasi pada sel idioblas, periderm dan korteks pada ranting. Flavonoid tidak terdeteksi pada daun maupun
dc.description.abstractSalam (Syzygium polyanthum Wight) is belongs to the Myrtaceae famili. Salam is used as a natural food flavoring agent, as well as medication for diabetes, hypertension, ulcer, malaria and cancer. Salam leaf extract contains metabolite compounds in the form of alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, and terpenoids. This research aimed to study the anatomical structure, secretory structure, and analyze the content of metabolite compounds that accumulate in the secretory structures. The anatomical, secretory and histochemical analyses were conducted on the leaves and twigs. Salam had hypostomata leaves with parasitic stomata. The vascular bundle on the leaf midrib was arranged in a heart shape with a closed collateral type, while on the twig was a bicolateral type. Calcium oxalate crystals in the form of drus were scattered in the palisade tissue of the leaf and pith of the twigs. The secretory structures in the form of secretory cavities and idioblast cells were found on leaves and twigs. Secretory cavities in the leaves were scattered among the palisade and spongy mesophyll cells, while on the twig were found in the cortex. Idioblast cells in leaves can be found among epidermal cells, spongy mesophyll cells, phloem and cortex in the midrib. Idioblast cells were also identified in the cortex, phloem and pith in the twigs. Alkaloids, terpenoids, phenols and lipophilic compounds were detected in secretory structures i.e: idioblast cells and secretory cavities. In addition, these compounds were also presented in other tissues including palisade tissue, phloem vessels and cuticles on the leaves. Terpenoids, phenols and lipophilic compounds were accumulated in idioblast cells, periderm and cortex in the twigs. Flavonoids were not detected on both leaf and
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Struktur Anatomi, Sekretori dan Histokimia Tumbuhan Salam (Syzygium polyanthum Wight)id
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Anatomical, Secretory and Histochemical Structures of Salam Plants (Syzygium polyanthum Wight)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordSyzygium polyanthumid

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