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dc.contributor.advisorYulianda, Fredinan
dc.contributor.advisorEffendi, Hefni
dc.contributor.authorFarahisah, Harum
dc.description.abstractJasa ekosistem mangrove selain berfungsi secara ekologis bagi sektor perikanan, juga memiliki jasa ekosistem yang berfungsi dalam mitigasi perubahan iklim sebagai penyerap dan penyimpan karbon. Muara Sungai Musi di Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki ekosistem mangrove yang luas, sehingga berpotensi dapat dijadikan salah satu solusi dalam menyerap emisi karbon. Beberapa penelitian menyatakan telah terjadi penurunan kualitas lingkungan hutan mangrove dan perubahan penggunaan lahan sebagai akibat dari reklamasi Tanjung Api-api (Kabupaten Banyuasin). Hutan mangrove di pesisir Banyuasin telah mengalami perubahan menjadi lahan terbuka, sawah, rawa, tambak, semak belukar. Data Pemprov Sumsel juga menyatakan bahwa Kabupaten Banyuasin berada pada urutan kedua dalam penghasil emisi karbon terbesar pada sektor berbasis lahan di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi cadangan karbon pada vegetasi mangrove di muara Sungai Musi, Sumatera Selatan dalam upaya penurunan emisi karbon. Tujuan ini didukung oleh beberapa tujuan khusus, yaitu (1) menganalisis struktur komunitas vegetasi mangrove di muara Sungai Musi; (2) menganalisis potensi cadangan karbon vegetasi mangrove di muara Sungai Musi; (3) menganalisis nilai ekonomi cadangan karbon mangrove di Muara Sungai Musi; dan (4) menganalisis peranan pemerintah dan persepsi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan mangrove sebagai mitigasi emisi karbon. Pengambilan data mangrove dilakukan di lima stasiun dengan menggunakan metode transek kuadrat seluas 100 m yang diletakkan secara vertikal terhadap garis pantai. Data persepsi dan identifikasi stakeholder didapatkan melalui wawancara. Pengolahan data mencakup persamaan allometrik untuk mengetahui biomassa, perhitungan simpanan karbon serta nilai ekonomi. Ekosistem mangrove di Muara Sungai Musi adalah Sonneratia alba, Nypa fruticans, Sonneratia casiolaris, dan Rhizophora apiculata. Jenis mangrove yang memiliki peranan penting dalam keberlangsungan ekosistem adalah jenis Nypa fruticans dan Sonneratia alba, dengan masing-masing INP adalah 145,6 dan 101,28. Cadangan karbon mangrove di muara Sungai Musi adalah sebesar 107,34 tonC/ha dan serapan karbon dioksida sebesar 393,59 tCO2 /ha dengan luasan mangrove sebesar ± 5276 ha. Nilai total estimasi ekonomi simpanan karbon yang dihasilkan adalah sebesar Rp174.441.016.895,00 (pasar sukarela) dan Rp455.872.524.151,00 (CDM). Rekomendasi pengelolaan untuk peningkatan cadangan karbon diantaranya adalah: pemberdayaan dan peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat sekitar, rehabilitasi hutan dan lahan, pengembangan hasil hutan non kayu, pengembangan teknik budidaya agroforestry dan konservasi tanah dan air. Pengelolaan untuk pencegahan penurunan cadangan karbon dapat berupa perlindungan dan konservasi sumber daya alam serta pencegahan dan pengendalian kebakaran hutan dan
dc.description.abstractApart from having an ecological function for the fishery sector, mangrove also have ecosystem services that function in mitigating climate change as a carbon sink and storage. Musi River Estuary is located at Banyuasin Regency is one of the regency that has an extensive mangrove ecosystem in South Sumatra. Mangrove in this area has potential to be used as a solution in absorbing carbon emissions. Several studies have stated that there has been a decrease in the environmental quality of mangrove forests and changes in land use as a result of the reclamation of the Tanjung Api-api, Banyuasin Regency. The mangrove forests on the Banyuasin coast have been transformed into open land, rice fields, swamps, ponds, and shrubs. Data from the South Sumatra Provincial Government also states that Banyuasin regency is the second-largest carbon emitter of land-based sector in South Sumatra Province. Generally, the purpose of this study is to analyze the potential for carbon stocks in mangrove vegetation at the Musi River Estuary, South Sumatra to reduce carbon emissions. Objectives of this study are to, (1) analyze the community structure of the mangrove vegetation at the mouth of the Musi River; (2) analyze the potential carbon stock of mangrove vegetation at the mouth of the Musi River; (3) to analyze the economic value of mangrove carbon stocks in the Musi River Estuary; and (4) analyze the role of government and community perceptions in mangrove management as mitigation of carbon emissions. Mangrove data were collected at five stations using the 100 m square transect method which was placed vertically against the coastline. For public and stakeholder data, data collection was carried out through interview processes. Data processing includes the calculation of vegetation analysis for the mangrove community structure, calculating biomass and carbon storage using allometric equations and calculating economic value of carbon storage. The mangrove ecosystem in the Musi River Estuary were Sonneratia alba, Nypa fruticans, Sonneratia casiolaris, and Rhizophora apiculata. The types of mangrove that have important roles in the sustainability of the ecosystem were Nypa fruticans and Sonneratia alba with IVIs of 145.6 and 101.28, respectively. Mangrove carbon reserves at the Musi river estuary were 107.34 tonC/ ha and carbon dioxide uptake is 393.59 tCO2/ha with a mangrove area of ± 5276 ha. The total estimated economic value of the resulting carbon storage is IDR174.441.016.895,00 (voluntary market) and IDR455.872.524.151,00 (CDM). Management recommendations to increase carbon stocks are: empowerment and capacity development for local government officials and local communities, mangrove forest and land rehabilitation, development of non-timber forest products, development of agroforestry cultivation techniques and soil and water conservation. Management to prevent the decline in carbon stocks can take the form of protection and conservation of natural resources as well as prevention and control of forest and land
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengelolaan Ekosistem Mangrove di Muara Sungai Musi sebagai Upaya Penurunan Emisi Karbonid
dc.title.alternativeManagement of Mangrove Ecosystems in the Musi River Estuary as an Effort to Decrease Carbon Emissionsid
dc.subject.keywordmusi river estuaryid
dc.subject.keywordcarbon emissionid

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