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dc.contributor.advisorWiryawan, Budy
dc.contributor.advisorWahyuningrum, Prihatin
dc.contributor.authorKurniawan, Muhamad Fikri
dc.description.abstractWorld Economic Forum mendeklarasikan penghentian tuna ilegal menuju pasar internasional dan komitmen traceability tuna. Volume produksi tuna tahun 2015-2018 di Palabuhanratu menurun yang menyebabkan pelaku usaha mengalami penurunan keuntungan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut perlu dilakukan kajian mengenai pengelolaan tuna dan penerapan traceability. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan rantai pasok tuna, mengidentifikasi prospek penerapan traceability tuna, serta merekomendasikan intervensi tindakan teknis untuk penerapan traceability tuna di Palabuhanratu. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode survei dengan analisis deskriptif dan gap. Rantai pasok tuna di Palabuhanratu terbagi menjadi rantai pasok lokal dan ekspor. Penerapan traceability di Palabuhanratu dikategorikan cukup siap. Rekomendasi tindakan teknis bagi nelayan yaitu peningkatan alat kerja, penambahan es serta perawatan kapal, bagi pegawai pengelola pelabuhan yaitu sosialiasi traceability dan logbook terhadap stakeholders serta menginisiasi nelayan menjadi anggota AP2HI, bagi perusahaan pengumpul yaitu sosialisasi dan pelatihan logbook dan pencatatan informasi penangkapan, peningkatan standar dan pengawasan mutu hasil tangkapan serta pemberian insentif kepada
dc.description.abstractWorld Economic Forum has declared a stop to illegal tuna to international markets and commitment traceability tuna. Tuna production volume during 2015-2018 in Palabuhanratu has decreased which causes business actors to suffer losses. Based on that explanation, it is important to conduct a study on tuna management and application of traceability. The objectives of this study were to describe the tuna supply chain, identify prospects for implementing tuna traceability, and recommended technical action interventions for implementing tuna traceability in Palabuhanratu. The method used is survey method with descriptive and gap analysis. The tuna supply chain in Palabuhanratu is divided into local and export supply chains. Overall, the application of traceability in Palabuhanratu is categorized as quite ready. Recommended technical actions for fishermen are increasing work tools, the addition of ice and the care of the fishing vessel, while the port management employees are advised to socialize traceability towards stakeholders and the importance of logbook and initiate a fisherman to become member of AP2HI, for collecting companies socialization and training are needed on the importance of logbooks and recording of fishing information, as well as improving standards and quality control of fish caught and providing incentives to fishermenid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleProspek Penerapan Traceability Tuna di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Palabuhanratu Sukabumiid
dc.title.alternativeProspect and Implementation of Tuna Traceability in Palabuhanratu Sukabumi Fishing Portid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordSupply chainid

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