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dc.contributor.advisorJunaedi, Ahmad
dc.contributor.advisorMelati, Maya
dc.contributor.authorThariq, Muhammad
dc.description.abstractFertilization management plays an important role in operating oil plant plantation because it affects productivity and highly contribute to production cost. The internship acvtivity was carried out from February to march 2020 at Tanah Gambus Plantation, PT Socfin Indonesia, North Sumatera. The purpose of the internship is to enrich working experience with getting involved in technical and managerial aspects in managing oil palm plantation. The observations related to fertilizing activities were planning, organizing, and applying fertilizer in the field. Fertilization must be done effectively and efficiently to fulfill the nutrient needs of the plants. The observations that were done on the management of fertilizing in the field is based on 5R principles (right kind of fertilizer, right dose, right time, right place, and right method), also considering the work performance. The application of fertilization at Tanah Gambus Plantation has been implemented according to the 5R principles as company standars, and the planning and organization of the fertilizing workforce is also in accordance with the standards set by the company. The observations of fertilizing in terms of the right kind of fertilizer, right time, and right method of application were carried out by comparing the application in the field with the plan and fertilization standards that have been set. The observation of fertilizing in term of the right place was observed in 3 blocks for each kind of fertilizer with 75 plants for each block. The observation of dosage was carried out on the bag of fertilizer and application by workers in the field. The percentage of precision fertilization based on 5R principles at Tanah Gambus Plantation was more than 90%. This result means that the organization and supervision of the application of fertilization has been carried out
dc.description.abstractManajemen pemupukan berperanan penting dalam pengelolaan kebun karena pengaruhnya terhadap capaian produktivitas dan kontribusinya yang besar terhadap pembiayaan. Kegiatan magang dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari hingga Maret 2020 di Kebun Tanah Gambus PT Socfin Indonesia, Sumatera Utara. Tujuan kegiatan magang adalah memberikan pengalaman kerja dengan terlibat dalam aspek kegiatan teknis dan managerial pengelolaan tanaman kelapa sawit. Pengamatan yang dilakukan terkait pemupukan meliputi perencanaan, pengorganisasian, dan pengaplikasian pupuk di lapangan. Pengamatan yang dilakukan pada manajemen pemupukan di lapangan berdasarkan kaidah 5T (tepat jenis pupuk, tepat dosis, tepat waktu, tepat tempat dan tepat cara), serta prestasi kerja pemupuk. Pengamatan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pemupukan di Kebun Tanah Gambus telah menerapkan kaidah 5T sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh perusahaan. Demikian juga perencanaan dan pengorganisasian tenaga kerja pemupukan telah sesuai dengan standar perusahaan. Pengambilan data tepat jenis, tepat waktu, dan tepat cara dilakukan dengan membandingkan pengaplikasian pemupukan di lapangan dengan rencana dan standar pemupukan yang telah ditetapkan. Pengambilan data tepat tempat dilakukan pada 3 blok untuk tiap jenis pupuk dengan masing- masing 75 tanaman untuk tiap bloknya. Pengamatan tepat dosis dilakukan pada karung untilan dan aplikasi oleh pekerja di lapangan. Persentase ketepatan kaidah 5T di kebun Tanah Gambus berada di atas 90%, hal ini menunjukkan pengorganisasian dan pengawasan terhadap pengaplikasian pemupukan telah dilaksanakan dengan
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleManajemen Pemupukan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) di Kebun Tanah Gambus, PT. Socfin Indonesia, Sumatera
dc.title.alternative. Fertilization Management of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) at Tanah Gambus Estate PT Socfin Indonesia North
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordworker performanceid
dc.subject.keywordfertilization principlesid
dc.subject.keywordmanagerial aspectid
dc.subject.keywordtechnical aspectid

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