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dc.contributor.advisorErliana, Windiani
dc.contributor.authorLaksana, Muhammad Luthfi Surya
dc.description.abstractSukuk merupakan salah satu bentuk investasi yang sesuai dengan prinsip ajaran Islam. Ada banyak faktor yang memengaruhi harga sukuk, seperti faktor makroekonomi dan faktor internal. Pada karya ilmiah ini dianalisis bagaimana pengaruh faktor-faktor makroekonomi seperti Jakarta Islamic Index, kurs Rupiah terhadap Dollar Amerika Serikat, harga emas, dan harga minyak mentah serta faktor-faktor internal sukuk seperti harga sukuk SR-009 dan imbal hasil sukuk SR009 terhadap harga sukuk SR-009. Analisis tersebut dilakukan dengan membentuk model menggunakan Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). Selanjutnya, model tersebut diimplementasikan dalam Fungsi Respon Impuls atau Impulse Response Function (IRF) dan Forecast Error Variance Decomposition (FEVD) untuk melihat pengaruh jangka panjang seluruh faktor terhadap harga sukuk SR-009. Hasil yang diperoleh ialah seluruh faktor saling terkointegrasi atau memiliki hubungan jangka panjang bagi fluktuasi harga sukuk SR-009. Selain itu, seluruh faktor juga memiliki hubungan kausalitas Granger atau hubungan timbal balik dengan harga sukuk
dc.description.abstractSukuk is a form of investment in accordance with the Islamic principles. There are many factors that influence the sukuk price, such as macroeconomic factors and internal factors of sukuk. In this research paper it is analyzed how the influence of macroeconomic factors such as Jakarta Islamic Index, USD exchange rate, gold prices, and crude oil prices, as well as internal factors of sukuk such as prices and yileds on the sukuk SR-009 prices. The analysis was carried out by forming a model using the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). Furthermore, the model is implemented in the Impulse Response Function (IRF) and Forecast Error Variance Decomposition (FEVD) to see the long-term relationship of all factors on the sukuk SR-009 prices. The result shows that all factors are cointegrated or have a long-term relationship for the fluctuation of the sukuk SR009 prices. In addition, all factors have a Granger causallity or reciprocal relationship with the sukuk SR-009
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Makroekonomi dan Faktor-Faktor Internal Sukuk Terhadap Harga Sukukid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of The Effect of Macroeconomic Factors and Internal Factors of Sukuk on The Fluctuation of Sukuk Pricesid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordForecast Error Variance Decompositon, Fungsi Respon Impuls, Sukuk, Vector Error Correction Modelid
dc.subject.keywordForecast Error Variance Decompositonid
dc.subject.keywordFungsi Respon Impulsid
dc.subject.keywordVector Error Correction Modelid

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