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dc.contributor.authorMuhammad, Aldri Fajar
dc.description.abstractSorghum bicolor (L.) Moench merupakan tanaman pangan terpenting nomor lima di dunia dengan resistensi luas terhadap cekaman penyakit, hama, dan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh informasi keragaan karakter morfologis sepuluh genotipe sorgum, keeratan hubungan karakter morfologis, serta menemukan genotipe sorgum dengan karakter morfologis terbaik. Sepuluh genotipe yang diuji ialah Pulut 2, Pulut 3, Pulut 4, Numbu, Kawali, Pahat, Bioguma 1, Soraya 3, A-125-1-6-1-6, dan PI-150-20-A. Penanaman berdasarkan rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak satu faktor dengan tiga kelompok mewakili ulangan. Lima tanaman contoh diambil per plot per genotipe. Uji F menunjukkan genotipe dan ulangan berbeda sangat nyata terhadap karakter kesepuluh genotipe. Keempat karakter menunjukkan heritabilitas yang tinggi. Pulut 2, A-125-1-6-1-6, Numbu, dan Bioguma 1 merupakan genotipe dengan tinggi tanaman tertinggi dan berbeda nyata dengan genotipe lainnya. Genotipe A-125-1-6-1-6 memiliki diameter batang dan jumlah daun terbesar. Diameter batang A-125-1-6-1-6 berbeda nyata dengan genotipe Pulut 2 dan Pulut 4. Jumlah daun A-125-1-6-1-6 tidak berbeda nyata hanya terhadap Numbu, Bioguma 1, dan Soraya 3. Genotipe Pulut 2, Pulut 3, Pulut 4, dan Pahat memiliki bobot basah malai terkecil dan saling tidak berbeda nyata. Korelasi kuat terjadi antara karakter jumlah daun dan bobot basah malai. Tiga genotipe yang memiliki karakter morfologis terbaik yaitu A-125-1-6-1-6, Bioguma 1, dan
dc.description.abstractSorghum bicolor (L.) Moench considered as the fifth most important crops in the world with broad resistency against disease, pest, and environmental stress. The objectives of this research are to obtain information of traits performance among ten sorghum genotypes, relation strengthness, morphologcal traits, and determine the genotype with the best morphological traits. The tested genotypes are Pulut 2, Pulut 3, Pulut 4, Numbu, Kawali, Pahat, Bioguma 1, Soraya 3, A-125-1-6- 1-6, and PI-150-20-A.Planting based on randomized complete block design with one factor that contained three blocks represent the three replication. Each plot of each genotype were taken five plants as sample. The F-test shows genotypes and replication are significantly differ with traits of sorghum genotypes. All characters shows high heritability. Pulut 2, A-125-1-6-1-6, Numbu, and Bioguma 1 have higher plant height and significantly differ with other genotypes. A-125-1-6-1-6 has the thickest stems and highest leaf amount. Stems diametre of A-125-1-6-1-6 are significantly differ than Pulut 2 and Pulut 4. Leaf amount of A-125-1-6-1-6 are insignificantly differ than Numbu, Bioguma 1, and Soraya 3. Pulut 2, Pulut 3, Pulut 4, dan Pahat have lower wet panicle weight than other genotypes and insignifficantly different between each other. Strong correlation occured between leaf amount and stem diameter. Three genotypes with better morphological traits compared to other genotypes are A-125-1-6-1-6, Bioguma 1, and
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKeragaan Karakter Morfologis Sepuluh Genotipe Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)id
dc.title.alternativeMorphological Traits Performance of Ten Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Genotypesid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordbroad spectrum heritabilityid
dc.subject.keywordcoefficient of genotype variabilityid
dc.subject.keywordrandomized complete block designid
dc.subject.keywordselection criteriaid
dc.subject.keywordstandard deviation of genotypeid

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