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Title: Kualitas Bio-Slurry Campuran Rumen dan Darah Sapi Sebagai Pupuk Cair Pada Tanaman Bayam (Amaranthus sp)
Authors: Salundik
Ibadurrohman, Afifah Mujahidah
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Bio-Slurry atau limbah biogas merupakan produk dari hasil pengolahan biogas berbahan campuran limbah ternak, proses pengolahannya dengan cara mencampur limbah ternak dengan air secara anaerob. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kualitas pupuk cair hasil samping pembuatan biogas dari campuran rumen dan darah sapi serta menganalisis efektivitasnya pada bayam hijau (Amaranthus sp) dengan konsentrasi berbeda. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan enam perlakuan, P0 (pupuk cair komersial 300 ml. polybag-1 dan pupuk anorganik (150 kg ha-1 urea, 100 kg ha-1 SP-36, 100 kg ha-1 KCl)), P1 (pupuk cair komersial 150 ml. polybag-1 dan pupuk anorganik (75 kg ha-1 urea, 50 kg ha-1 SP-36, 50 kg ha-1 KCl)), P2 (pupuk Bio-Slurry cair A 300 ml. polybag-1 dan pupuk anorganik (150 kg ha-1 urea, 100 kg ha-1 SP-36, 100 kg ha-1 KCl)). P3 (pupuk Bio-Slurry cair B 300 ml. polybag-1 dan pupuk anorganik (150 kg ha-1 urea, 100 kg ha-1 SP-36, 100 kg ha-1 KCl)). P4 (pupuk Bio-Slurry cair C 300 ml. polybag-1 dan pupuk anorganik (150 kg ha-1 urea, 100 kg ha-1 SP-36, 100 kg ha-1 KCl)) masing-masing dengan tiga kali pengulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pupuk Bio-Slurry cair terbaik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pupuk Bio-Slurry cair C, namun tingkat efektivitas pada tanaman bayam hijau (Amaranthus sp.) belum bisa menggantikan pupuk cair komersial dosis 100% tetapi memiliki hasil yang sama dengan pemberian pupuk komersial setengah dosis.
Bio-Slurry or biogas waste is a product of biogas processing made from a mixture of slag waste, the processing process is by anaerobically mixing livestock waste with water. This study aims to analyze the quality of liquid fertilizer by product of making biogas from a mixture of rumen and cow's blood and analyze its effectiveness on green spinach (Amaranthus sp) with different concentrations. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with six treatments, P0 (commercial liquid fertilizer 300 ml. polybag-1 and inorganic fertilizer (150 kg ha-1 urea, 100 kg ha-1 SP-36, 100 kg ha-1 1 KCl)), P1 (commercial liquid fertilizer 150 ml. polybag-1 and inorganic fertilizer (75 kg ha-1 urea, 50 kg ha-1 SP-36, 50 kg ha-1 KCl)), P2 (Bio-fertilizer Liquid slurry A 300 ml polybag-1 and inorganic fertilizer (150 kg ha-1 urea, 100 kg ha-1 SP-36, 100 kg ha 1 KCl)). P3 (Liquid Bio-Slurry fertilizer B 300 ml. polybag-1 and inorganic fertilizer (150 kg ha-1 urea, 100 kg ha-1 SP-36, 100 kg ha-1 KCl)). P4 (Liquid Bio Slurry fertilizer C 300 ml. polybag-1 and inorganic fertilizer (150 kg ha-1 urea, 100 kg ha-1 SP-36, 100 kg ha-1 KCl)) each with three repetitions. The results showed that the best liquid Bio-Slurry fertilizer used in this study was liquid Bio-Slurry C fertilizer, but the level of effectiveness on green spinach (Amaranthus sp.) has not been able to replace 100% commercial liquid fertilizer but has the same results as half dose of commercial fertilizer.
Appears in Collections:UT - Technology of Cattle Products

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