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Title: Karakteristik Kimiawi dan Mikrobiologis Minuman Jeli Simbiotik Spirulina Fermentasi
Other Titles: Chemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Fermented Spirulina Symbiotic Jelly Drink
Authors: Desniar, Desniar
Pari, Rizfi Fariz
Sa'diyah, Shavira Iftitahus
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Simbiotik merupakan kombinasi sinergis antara probiotik dan prebiotik, salah satunya dalam menimalisir prevalensi konstipasi. Simbiotik tersebut dapat diaplikasikan pada minuman jeli. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan karakteristik simbiotik Spirulina sebelum dan sesudah fermentasi, menentukan pengaruh penambahan Spirulina 0%, 5%, 7,5%, dan 10% terhadap karakteristik minuman jeli simbiotik, dan menentukan perlakuan terpilih minuman jeli simbiotik. Penelitian meliputi produksi Spirulina, kultur starter bakteri, fermentasi Spirulina, dan pembuatan minuman jeli simbiotik Spirulina fermentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fermentasi Spirulina selama 48 jam meningkatkan jumlah total Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL) (2,7 log CFU/ml), dan Total Asam Tertitrasi (TAT) (2,32%), serta menurunkan nilai pH 3,94. Spirulina fermentasi pada minuman jeli berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai viskositas, nilai pH, TAT, total BAL, total mikroba, serat pangan, dan aktivitas antioksidan. Perlakuan terpilih pada penambahan Spirulina fermentasi 10% dengan karakteristik viskositas 142,8 cp, nilai pH 4,06, TAT 0,22%, total BAL 7,91 log CFU/ml, total mikroba 8,02 log CFU/ml, aktivitas antioksidan 100,11 μmolTE/g, dan %Angka Kecukupan Gizi (AKG) serat pangan 11,37% dengan peningkatan 119,9%.
Symbiotics are a synergistic combination of probiotics and prebiotics. One of which is to minimize the prevalence of constipation. The symbiotic can be applied to jelly drinks. This study aimed to characterize the symbiotic of fermented Spirulina before and after fermentation, to determine the effect of adding fermented Spirulina 0%, 5%, 7,5%, and 10% to the characteristics of symbiotic jelly drinks, and to determine the selected treatment for symbiotic jelly drinks. The research included Spirulina production, bacterial starter culture, Spirulina fermentation, and making Spirulina fermented symbiotic jelly drink. The results showed that fermentation of Spirulina for 48 hours increased the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (2,7 logs CFU/ml), total acid titrated (TAT) (2,32%), and decreased the pH value of 3,94. Fermented Spirulina in jelly drinks significantly affected the values of viscosity, pH, TAT, total LAB, total microbial, dietary fiber, and antioxidant activity. The selected treatment was the addition of 10% fermented Spirulina with a viscosity of 142,8 cp, pH value of 4,06, TAT 0,22%, total LAB 7,91 log CFU/ml, total microbes 8,02 log CFU/ml, the antioxidant activity of 100,11 μmolTE/g, and %Nutritional Adequacy Rate dietary fiber of 11,37% with an increase of 119,9%.
Description: Skripsi di respository hanya menampilkan bagian abstrak saja
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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