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Title: Karakterisasi Kimiawi Spirulina Fermentasi dan Penapisan Senyawa Metabolit yang Dihasilkannya
Other Titles: Chemical Characterization of Fermented Spirulina and Screening of Metabolic Compounds Produced by it
Authors: Desniar
Pari, Rizfi Fariz
Zahra, Yulia Annisa
Issue Date: Jan-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Spirulina platensis dapat menstimulasi pertumbuhan mikroba non patogenik. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan Spirulina fermentasi memiliki karakteristik kimiawi dan aktivitas antioksidan. Pengeringan beku (liofilisasi) dilakukan dan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian bertujuan menentukan karakteristik kimiawi dan penapisan senyawa metabolit dari Spirulina fermentasi setelah liofilisasi. Spirulina fermentasi liofilisasi memiliki nilai pH 4,15 ± 0,00, total asam tertitrasi (TAT) 11,96 ± 0,00 %, dan total bakteri asam laktat (BAL) <2,5 × 101 ± 0,00. Spirulina fermentasi mengandung komponen aktif flavonoid, steroid, tanin, saponin dan fenol hidrokuinon, serta negatif alkaloid. Penapisan senyawa metabolit menggunakan LC-MS/MS menghasilkan 88 senyawa, terdiri dari golongan terpen atau terpenoid, fenolik, dan alkaloid, serta kelompok asam amino, asam lemak, asam organik, natural pigmen, gula dan kelompok lainnya. Senyawa dominan teridentifikasi diantaranya propenyl pyrazine, ribonic acid, pyroglutamic acid, phenyllactic acid, 1,2-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid, didecyl ester, cis-caftaric acid, malic acid, 1,2-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid, cyclohexylmethylnonyl ester, dan gallic acid.
Spirulina platensis can stimulate the growth of non-pathogenic microbes. Previous studies have shown that lyophilized fermented Spirulina and Spirulina biomass have antioxidant activity. The study aims to determine the chemical characteristics and screening of metabolites produced by lyophilized fermented Spirulina and Spirulina biomass. Lyophilized fermented Spirulina had a pH value of 4,15 ± 0,00, total titrated acid (TAT) 11,96 ± 0,00%, and total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) < 2,5 × 101 ± 0,00. Fermented Spirulina contains active components of flavonoids, steroids, tannins, saponins and phenol hydroquinone, as well as negative alkaloids. Screening of metabolites using LC-MS/MS resulted in 88 compounds, consisting of terpenes or terpenoids, phenolics, and alkaloids, as well as groups of amino acids, fatty acids, organic acids, natural pigments, sugars and other groups. The dominant compounds identified were propenyl pyrazine, ribonic acid, pyroglutamic acid, phenyllactic acid, 1,2- cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid, didecyl ester, cis-caftaric acid, malic acid, 1,2- cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid, cyclohexylmethylnonyl ester, and gallic acid.
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Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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