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Title: Integrasi Sentrifugasi Suhu Rendah dengan Optimasi Ekstraksi Enzimatis Minyak Mata Tuna Menggunakan Response Surface Methodology
Authors: Trilaksani, Wini
Riyanto, Bambang
Kurniawan, Ikram Abi Hamzah
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Minyak mata tuna yang kaya akan asam lemak omega-3 Eicosapentaenoic acid dan Docosahexaenoic acid dapat diperoleh dengan ekstraksi suhu rendah tetapi rendemen yang diperoleh belum maksimal. Nilai rendemen minyak mata tuna dapat ditingkatkan dengan hidrolisis enzimatis. Response surface methodology (RSM) dapat membantu menganalisis pengaruh faktor-faktor terhadap respon untuk mengoptimalkan kondisi hidrolisis enzimatis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah maksimalisasi rendemen minyak, menentukan kondisi optimum ekstraksi enzimatis minyak mata tuna dengan faktor konsentrasi papain dan waktu hidrolisis yang berbeda menggunakan permodelan central composite design-face centered (CCDFC) pada RSM, dan determinasi karakteristik minyak. Kondisi hasil validasi optimum hidrolisis enzimatis minyak mata tuna menghasilkan nilai rendemen 11.24±0.09% pada konsentrasi 1.02% enzim papain selama 3 jam. Kandungan EPA dan DHA minyak mata tuna pada kondisi optimum tergolong sangat tinggi yaitu 6.02% EPA dan 30.30% DHA dari 99.90% total asam lemak yang teridentifikasi.
Tuna eye oil which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic acid and Docosahexaenoic acid can be obtained by low temperature extraction however the yield was not optimum yet. The yield value of tuna eye oil can be increased with enzymatic hydrolysis. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) can help analyze the effect of factors on the response to optimize the conditions of enzymatic hydrolysis. The purpose of this study was to maximization of oil yield, determine the optimum conditions for enzymatic extraction of tuna eye oil with different papain enzyme concentration and hydrolysis time using central composite design-face centered (CCDFC) modeling on RSM and determination of oil characteristics. The validation optimum of the enzymatic hydrolysis resulted in a yield value of 11.24±0.09% at the concentration of 1.02% papain enzyme for 3 hours. The EPA and DHA content of tuna eye oil at the optimum condition was classified as very high, 6.02% EPA and 30.30% DHA from 99.90% of the total identified fatty acids.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Product Technology

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