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dc.contributor.authorSaleh, Muhamad
dc.description.abstractDeaf problem not only hampers the improvement of the sufferers and their interaction at social environment, but also brings about problem to family, either psychologically, economically or socially. It also can cuase poverty. The member of (PKK) tried to solve it by forming Brotherhood Children Care of special need Association (POPA) which has purpose to increase the family’s ability to fulfil the children special need. Then, the others problem arouse that most of the member of POPA included ini poor category. So, they have lack support to do its program either in financial or knowledge and skill aspects. The purpose of study is to know the capacity of POPA; to identify and to analyze its problems. Composing the plan program of making efficient use of POPA, study strategy is done throughout case study, interview is used for collecting data and so is the observation. Document study and team discussion are in focus (Focus group discussion). The result of study showed that POPA capacity gets less support in fulfilling its member necessity. These are showed from (1) Knowledge and skill of the board and member are lack in managing social organization; (2) The leader has not carried out his function; (3) co-operated among the members have not been tied together yet; (4) In organization management, substantially, program of POPA has less orientation to the long term purpose; (5) POPA has no continuity fund resources. The problem that POPA faced in developing the organization are; (1) The members undergo psychology, economic and social problems; (2) The organization has lack fund to support its operational; (3) The existence of POPA is not well known in society; (4) Education, training an infrastructure terms to support its supervising programmes got lack attention government. The strategy doing make efficient use of POPA are increasing or improving its capacity and ability to solve psychology, social and economic member problem and net working development, the purpose of POPA program is to realize POPA be autonomy organizationally. So, it can fulfil their member necessity, either in economic or social continuity
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural Institute)
dc.titlePemberdayaan Persatuan Orangtua Peduli Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Anak Tunarungu (Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Sebengkok, Kecamatan Tarakan Tengah, Kota Tarakan, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur)id

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