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dc.contributor.authorHidayat, Imawan Wahyu
dc.description.abstractThe traffic problems have been increasing in recent few years. In many big cities, the volume of vehicle causes air pollutions and noises that are disturbing the comfortably of men activities. Highway is the most contributing factor in traffic problems. From many solutions, the greenery in highway is the one of solutions against negative effects of traffic as environment buffer, especially for communities and for supporting users safety. The objectives of this study are to evaluate roadside greenery in Jagorawi Highway as a buffer and for supporting of users safety in three major functions, there are air pollutants reduction, noises abatement, and space barrier. Fieldwork researches were conducted onto three segments road: Bogor’s - Ciawi’s tollgates to Sentul’s ramp as 1st segment (± 15,4 km length); Sentul’s ramp to Cimanggis’s ramp as 2nd segment (± 13,5 km length); and Cimanggis’s ramp to Taman Mini’s tollgate as 3rd segment (± 15 km length). Every segment was divided into two sections: East side and West side. The comparative method was used to measure suitability and compatibility plants in roadside greenery in Jagorawi according to the regulations and principles of landscape architecture science. The comparative method result that all segments and sections on fieldwork indicate that plants selection, structures, patterns and configurations were not suitable and compatible enough for supporting the three major functions of road greenery (assessment ranged from bad to moderate grades). The greenery at first segment achieves moderate grade (44,26% requirements fulfilled) in air pollutants reduction, bad to moderate grade (32,67% - 41,67% requirements fulfilled) in noises abatement, moderate grade (56,00% - 57,33% requirements fulfilled) in space barrier function and moderate grade (56,00% - 58,17% requirements fulfilled) in aesthetic function. The second segment achieves moderate grade (47,54% - 50,32% requirements fulfilled) in air pollutants reduction, bad grade (30,0% requirements fulfilled) in noises abatement, moderate grade (57,69% - 58,85% requirements fulfilled) in space barrier function and moderate grade (57,50% - 58,46% requirements fulfilled) in aesthetic function. The third segment achieves moderate grade (49,35% - 50,74% requirements fulfilled) in air pollutants reduction, moderate to good grade (59,33% - 69,67% requirements fulfilled) in noises abatement, good grade (62,83% - 69,67% requirements fulfilled) in space barrier function and moderate grade (59,42% requirements fulfilled) in aesthetic function. According to the above analysis result, the study proposes a concept of appropriate plants selecting, according its structure and performance and so pattern and configuration to achieve the effectiveness of roadside greenery as environment buffer and supporting the safety in Jagorawi
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleEvaluasi jalur hijau jalan sebagai penyangga lingkungan sekitarnya dan keselamatan pengguna jalan bebas hambatan jagorawiid

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