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dc.contributor.authorNunaki, Jan Hendriek
dc.description.abstractPegunungan Wondiboy - CAPW) still keep their custom and traditional wisdom (ecological wisdom) to use all natural resources around them, including plants. The objective of this research is to know about the plant diversity at species level in the forest community of the Wondiboy Mountains Natural Reserve and the level of plant utilization by the locals in that area. A descriptive method was used in this research by combining interview and field survey techniques. The standard procedure of vegetation analysis and the useful value analysis were applied to analyse the data. Results of the research show that the highest index (Importance Value) of trees at 0-500 m asl. in Eastern side dominated by Pometia pinnata (17.3%) and Myristica lepidota Bl. (17.3%) in Western side. Poles dominated by Dalbergia sp.1 (37.1) in Eastern side and Spondias cytherea Sonnerat (35.2%) in Western. Saplings dominated by Carallia brachiata (Lour.) Merr. (15.8%) in Eastern side and Semecarpus aruensis Engl. (15.9%) in Western. Seedlings dominated by Phanera lingua (DC.) Miq. (22.3%) in Eastern side and Clerodenrum sp.1 (19.3%) in Western side. While, trees at 500- 1000 m asl. dominated by Agathis sp. (29.3%) in Eastern side and Intsia bijuga (19.5%) in Western side. Poles also dominated by Pometia sp. (43.3%) in Eastern side and Haplolobus moluccanus (Leenh.) H. J. Lam (31.2%) in Western. Samplings dominated by Gnetum gnemon (23%) in Eastern side and Gnetum gnemon (15.2%) in Western. Seedlings dominated by Nephrolepis falcate (Cav.) C. Chr. (28.6%) in Eastern side and Zysygium sp.7 (14.4) in Western. Furthermore, the average of species richness (R’) of trees is 3.996; poles 2.076, saplings 2.281; and seedlings 1.327. The average of species abundance (H’) of trees is 2.361; poles 1.513; saplings 2.017; and seedlings 1.533. And also the average of the species evenness (E) of trees is 0.989; poles 0.962; samplings 0.946; and seedlings 0.959. Furthermore, from the vegetation structure had been reported from that area, trees is vegetation with the highest number in utilization by the locals (1622), and subsequently followed by poles (923.5), saplings (1134), seedlings (241), and liana (84. 12). And the fuel wood (firewood) is the main plant utilization of locals in this area. In addition, the several species were found in plots of vegetation profile; however we separated between vertical and horizontal projection. In vertical view, Pometia pinnata (27 m) is species dominant in plot I, Ficus benjamina Bl. (34 m) in plot II, and Planchonia papuana Knuth. (31 m) in plot III, and Erioglossum rubiginosum (Roxb.) Bl. (29 m) in plot IV. While in horizontal, Dalbergia sp.1 12.2% (from total 99%) in plot I, Pometia pinnata 15.5% (from total 97.8%) in plot II, Aistopetalum viticoides Schltr. 13.5% (from total 98.4%) in plot III, and Teijsmanniodendron sp 16.3% (from total 96.7%) in plot
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleVegetation Analysis And Utilization By Ethnic Wondama Which Is living In The Wondiboy Mountains Natural Reserve , Land Papuaid

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