Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Kelompok Belajar Usaha (KBU) di Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM) (Studi Kasus di PKBM “Mitra Mandiri” Kelurahan Leuwigajah, Kecamatan Cimahi Selatan, Kota Cimahi)
Poverty is still a primary issue faced by Indonesia, this includes the community in Leuwigajah, South Cimahi Subdistrict, Cimahi. There are up to 2,240 families who still live in poverty caused by the non-existence or limited possession of land and low educational and skill level. Therefore, they only depend on one source of income. Entrepreneurship Reinforcement Group is a place expected to reinforce people by giving work skill courses as well as entrepreneurship experience. The research of people reinforcement through Entrepreneurship Reinforcement Group is a case study with quality approach whose objective is to discover problems, obstacles, and influential factors to the development of Entrepreneurship Reinforcement Group Community Learning Aktivity Center “Mitra Mandiri” in reinforcing the people. Several problems faced are the relatively low learning motivation of the people in participating, inadequate facilities, and underdeveloped marketing system in the local economy. The factors which are discouraging in the Entrepreneurship Reinforcement Group development are: the non aspirational types of skills, the lacking of cooperation with the local and private organizations, the unprofessionally skilled instructors, and the the limited existence of the people's participation and support. The problem-solving strategies offered in this research include: Education and Training Program in Sewing and Motorcycle Workshop which are the aspirations of the local people, Continuous Business Development of Entrepreneurship Reinforcement Group, the Development of Independent Business and the Program of Improving Information Service and Cooperation with the local organizations.
- MT - Professional Master [887]