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dc.contributor.authorEkawati, Etty
dc.description.abstractIn Regency Cianjur of there are various type ecosystem forest, start from coast until the mountain which lay away drug plant type variety which immeasurable enough and the industrial amount of traditional drug (Industry Medicinal Small Traditional /IOT Industry and Medicinal Traditional/ IKOT) as much 6 (six) unit, but the plant potency medicinal in the region to date not yet been known. On the other side, do not all grad Elementary school, Junior high school, and Senior high school in the region continue school to ladder hereinafter or higher. In order to grad Elementary school, Junior high school, and Senior high school which do not become unemployment, hence to student at school require to be supplied with items which can make grad own efficiency live and able to enterpreneur. One of items which can be accommodated is about plant medicinal. In order to supporting efficacy in information exploiting of about plant potency medicinal for the study items enrichment at school Regency Cianjur, hence this research require to be done. This research aim to to determine plant potency medicinal in Regency Cianjur information exploiting elegibility and of about plant potency medicinal for the study items enrichment at school. Research method is marginally consisted of by 4 (especial four) activity, that is data collecting (secondary data and primary), identify drug plant type, data processing, and analyze data. Pursuant to result of research indicate that in Regency of Cianjur of there are type of plant medicinal as much 210 type from 83 set of relatives. From the amount can be grouped by into 32 group of disease/ use and 6 (six) of kinds of habitus, that is tree, herba, clump, liana, bamboo, and the moss. type Plant of preeminent drug [is] which is there are in Regency of Cianjur as much 11 type and which can be developed in each subdistrict range from 6-11 type. Eleventh of type plant of the drug is Pulai/ Lame (Alstonia Scholaris R.Br.), Pulasari (Alyxia Reinwardtii Bl.), Cardamom (Amomum Compactum Soland. ex Maton.), Sambiloto (Andrographis Paniculata ( Burm.F.) Wall. ex Nees.), Ki Koneng (Arcangelisia Flava Merr.), Encounter Key (Boesenbergia Pandurata ( Roxb.) Schlet.), Secang (Caesalpinia Sappan Linn.), Cecenet/ Antanan Gede (Centella Asiatica Urb.), Encounter Ireng (Curcuma Aeruginosa Roxb.), Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare Mill.), and Alpine Galanga (Languas Galanga ( L.) Stuntz.). Pursuant to drug plant potency which is there are in Regency Cianjur, invitation regulation and policy, and also support stakeholder is inclusive of competent or adequate but from facet human resource being, and also the and medium not yet competent or adequate. Strategy which can be applied to utilize to improve elegibility in information exploiting of about plant potency medicinal for the study items enrichment at school Regency Cianjur, covering : study model of through band curicular and extracurricular, human resource quality being improvement, and ready and medium adequately. KAJIANid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural Institute)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.titleStudy of Potency of Plant Medicinal for Enrichment of Items of Study at school Regency Cianjurid

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