Now showing items 1-10 of 17
Kesesuaian Ruang Terbuka Hijau pada Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah dan Tutupan Lahan di Kota Bekasi
Changes in land cover in Bekasi City, which grew rapidly resulting in a potential unsuitable between the Spatial Planning (RTRW) with existing land cover. The purpose of this study was (1) To analyze changes in land cover ...
Struktur dan Potensi Tegakan Hutan Tanaman Meranti (Shorea spp.) di KHDTK Haurbentes Kabupaten Bogor
Structure and potency of forest stand meranti (Shorea spp.) in Forest Area with a Specific Purpose (FASP) Haurbentes is very interesting to be studied. FASP Haurbentes is a plantation forest area that built in 1940-1986. ...
Kontinuitas Ketersediaan Bahan Baku Industri Pengolahan Kayu Rakyat (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Cibungbulang dan Tenjolaya Kabupaten Bogor)
The community wood processing industry in Cibungbulang and Tenjolaya District, Bogor Regency have aged >5 years does not evolved significantly. However, many community wood processing industry ≤5 years old were emerging. ...
Perbandingan Kelestarian Hutan Rakyat Bersertifikat dan Tidak Bersertifikat di Kabupaten Kulonprogo
Forest community certification is an instrument to achieve sustainability forest management in ecology, economy, and social aspects. The objective of this study was to obtain forest management data based on ecology, business ...
Evaluasi pertumbuhan tegakan Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN) berdasarkan kondisi wilayah penanaman di Pulau Jawa
Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN) is a genetically modified teak which has a faster harvest rotation than another variance of teak that in 5 years, stands can gets an average diameter of 20 cm. The purposes of this research are ...
Perencanaan Pengembangan Kerja Sama Kemitraan Multi Pihak Usaha Hutan Rakyat (Studi Kasus Di Desa Citanglar Kecamatan Surade Kabupaten Sukabumi)
Community forests has a long contribution to the economic and ecological either directly to the owner or to the surrounding community. The study was carried out to study and to document the planning of multi stakeholder ...
Evaluasi Keberhasilan Pengelolaan Usaha Hutan Rakyat Jati Di Desa Citanglar Kecamatan Surade Kabupaten Sukabumi
Demand for wood as a raw material for industry is continuing to increase rapidly. There are many ways to meet the need of wood, one of wich is trough the utilization of community forest. Community forest surade has an area ...
Analisis Penentuan Daur Optimal Kelas Perusahaan Acacia mangium di BKPH Parung Panjang
A rotation is an interval of period between planting and cultivation. A financial rotation is a rotation aiming for monetary return. Usually, the determination of financial rotation is by using Faustman model. However, the ...
Komposisi Functional Species Group pada Sistem Silvikultur Tebang Pilih Tanam Jalur di Area IUPHHK-HA PT Sarpatim, Kalimantan Tengah
Forest management can have an impact on changes in forest structure and composition of plant species. Functional species Group (FSG) may explain the unity of the trees species that are selected in a group in a forest ...
Potensi Penurunan Simpanan Biomassa dan Karbon Akibat Kegiatan Penebangan dan Penyaradan
The use of forest which does not correspond well to sufficient preserving management tends to cause damage due tofelling and skidding activities. Therefore, the research is aimed to calculating the potential of biomass and ...