Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Analisis pengembangan industri pengolahan surimi dalam pemanfaatan by-catch pukat udang 

      Djazuli, Nazori | Wahyuni,Mita | Monintja, Daniel R. | Purbayanto,Ari (2009)
      Fishing business of shrimp trawl in Arafura Sea produces by-catch with average ratios of 1 : 12 between main target catch and by-catch. The main constraints of by-catch utilization is the scattered fishing vessels operated ...
    • Perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara 

      Baruadi, Alfi Sahri Remi | Simbolon,Domu | Purbayanto,Ari | Yusfiandayani, Roza (2012)
      The potency of capture fisheries in the North Gorontalo itself has not been known so far, especially for dominant species that caught from the waters of North Gorontalo. Nevertheless, an understanding of fish resource ...