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dc.contributor.advisorSukmawati, Anggraini
dc.contributor.advisorSyamsun, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorAnanda, Muna Siva
dc.description.abstractASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is an economic integration in free trade system between ASEAN Countries. The challenges for the Indonesian Governments are to create the stable region, prosperous, highly competitive and realize social welfare. But in fact, Indonesia is facing the problem of low competitiveness among ASEAN countries. This study aimed to (1) analyzing the problematic situation of Indonesian domestic workers in Malaysia; (2) formulating priority strategies to improve the competency of Indonesian domestic workers in Malaysia and (3) porposing a model for improving the competency of Indonesian domestic workers in Malaysia. This research was conducted in Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta from February to June 2016. Experts give the assumptions and analyze value based on certainty and importance. Furthermore, assuming that has a level of interest and high importance and certainty chosen to priority strategies. In this research, choosing the experts are used non-probability method and to collect data are used purposive sampling technique. Data analysis methods used in this research are descriptive analysis, Soft System Methodology based Rich Picture, AHP, and The House Model. The results of the analysis of the problematic situations show that the Indonesian Government is the less concerned with the protection and debriefing training also development to the placement of Indonesian domestic workers in Malaysia. This is caused domestic workers are not able to work in accordance with National work competency standards have been prepared by the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. It is also reinforced by decision-making method, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) gives as same as results. Training and development in Indonesia have a higher analysis value than the other alternatives. The important factor is obtained from the AHP is Individual competencies. Therefore, Competency-Based Training is a priority strategy to competitiveness strategies of Indonesian domestic workers in Malaysia with analysis value is 0.361, that will have an impact on the development of individual competencies. The House Model method as the model for improving the competency strategies of Indonesian domestic workers results from the roof with a vision of improving the competitiveness of Indonesian domestic workers in Malaysia within five years (2016-2021). The four strategies factors are the quality of human resource, individual competencies, Government policy, and market demand. Supporting actions are Enhancing the relevant Governmental authorities, Establishing the individual reputation and Collaborating between Government and agencies
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.subject.ddcHuman Resourcesid
dc.titleCompetency Strategies Of Indonesian Domestic Workers In Malaysiaid
dc.subject.keywordAnalytic Hierarchy Processid
dc.subject.keywordIndonesian Domestic Workersid
dc.subject.keywordThe House Modelid
dc.subject.keywordTraining and Developmentid

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