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dc.contributor.authorSyahidin, Alal Huda Jaya
dc.description.abstractALAL HUDA JAYA. S. Implication of existence both of Chromolaena odorata (L.) King & Robinson (Asteraceae) and its biological control agent - Cecidochares connexa Macquart (Diptera: Tephritidae) to local plant and insect community structure. Supervisors: DAMAYANTI BUCHORI and SOEKISMAN TJITROSEMITO. The aims of this research were (1) to study density and population distribution of C. odorata and its biological control agent - C. connexa, and (2) to study local plant and insect community structure in invaded area of C. odorata. Several activities have been conducted i.e. survey of research sites, vegetation analysis, and insect sampling. The study sites were selected base on purposive sampling method. All area located in Bogor district (Parung Panjang, Setu, Darmaga, Gunung Bunder, Ciawi, and Cisarua), Sukabumi district (Gunung Salak, Gunung Halimun, and Pakuwon), and Cianjur district. Analysis of vegetation were conducted using combination of transect and quadrate method. Insect were sampled by setting up several traps inside the plots. Pitfall trap and yellow pan trap were set up inside the plot, whereas malaise trap were placed between two transect lines. The result found that invasive exotic plant species (C. odorata) spread on whole study sites and well-growth on different habitat types (plantations, production forest, low land, and high land). Their population densities tend to decrease with increasing altitude. The occurrences of C. odorata co-exist with its biological control, the gall flies C. connexa. Almost all study sites (except Gunung Halimun and Cianjur) found these flies. Recently, C. connexa have established and wide spread, although the present of barrier (like mountain) is restriction factor for distribution of flies in West Java. Over 131.132 individual of plants consist of 21 families and 44 species were identified co-exist with C. odorata in Bogor area (Parung Panjang, Setu, Darmaga, and Gunung Bunder). In the same area, over 24.213 individual of insect consist of 14 orders, 132 families, and 568 species were found in C. odorata habitat. Three dominance insect orders i.e. Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Hemiptera were collected with high species richness and abundance. Implication of existence of C. odorata caused replacement local plant species and homogenization habitat on spatial scale. Introduction of C. odorata and its biological control agent caused and consequently associate with local
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectIPB(Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.subjectchromolaena odorata (l.)id
dc.subjectrobinson (asteraceae)id
dc.titleImplikasi eksistensi chromolaena odorata (l.) King & robinson (asteraceae) dan agens hayatinya cecidochares connexa macquart (diptera: tephritidae) terhadap struktur komunitas serangga dan tumbuhan lokalid

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