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Metabolism of nutrients, carcass characteristics and meat physical traits of male thin tail sheep receiving clenbuterol injections

dc.contributor.authorSaka, I Ketut
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this study were to reveal effects of a beta-adrenergic agonist (clenbuterol) on metabolism of nutrients, carcass characteristics and meat physical traits in Thin nil ram lambs. Sixteen weaned ram lambs were randomly allotted into four treatment groups i.e. CBO, CB5, CBlO and CB20 which had initial iiveweight of 22.0, 22.1, 22.3 and 22.6 x 2.690 kg, respectively. The animals received every other day i.m. clenbuterol (CB) injections at 0, 5. 10 and 20 pg CB/kg liveweight for the respective experimental groups. The wntrol group (CBO) were injected with 1-2 ml saline. Lambs were given ad libitum access to a 17.99% crude protein and 23.2 W k g pellet diet. The diet was formulated according to NRC (1985). For measurements of digestibility and balance of nutrients the iambs were kept in metabolism cages and their faeces and urine were collected for 7 days, sampled. weighed and dried. Nutrient contents of the samples of feed and excreta were determined. All Iambs were slaughtered following 11 weeks of experimental period and data on carcass characteristics were collected. In addition, the longissirnus dorsi, psoas, semitendinosus, biceps femoris and semimembranoms muscles were excised from right half of the carcasses according to a standard procedure described by May (1970).
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleMetabolisme zat-zat makanan, karakteristik karkas dan sifat fisik daging domba ekor tipis jantan yang diberi clenbuterolid
dc.titleMetabolism of nutrients, carcass characteristics and meat physical traits of male thin tail sheep receiving clenbuterol injectionsen

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