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dc.contributor.authorWaskita, Arya Adhyaksa
dc.description.abstractCitation analysis is necessary to evaluate development of scientific activities. These scientific activities are described in various scientific publications. Therefore, an integrated system in bibliography data is required for easier citation analysis. In this research, the development of scientific activities will be represented by entropy formulae. A grid-based system prototype has been developed to integrate two bibliography database systems, i.e. PostgreSQL and MySQL, respectively. The prototype makes use of Globus Toolkit and OGSA-DAI software, and is tested on Fedora Core 4 Linux platform. Our approach is promising, since the prototype is able to obtain variables constructing the entropy formulae. It shows that the citation analysis can be performed easier. A security mechanism in accessing the bibliography database systems is also adopted in the prototype which ensure that only the authenticated user can ask the citation analysis
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.subjectcitation analysis, entropy, grid, Globus Toolkit, OGSA-DAIid
dc.titleDisain sistem terintegrasi berbasis grid untuk Analisis sitiran data bibliografiid

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