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dc.contributor.advisorIchwandi, Iin
dc.contributor.authorSungkawa, Quldino Taqwa
dc.description.abstractMangrove forest which has a primary function to prevent abrasion, protection against wind, sea water intrusion prevention, and as an energy producer, in the last few years many have been converted to non-forest land, such as agriculture and fisheries. Therefore it is necessary for an attempt to save mangrove forests one of them is by developing environmental concept based mangrove forest ecotourism. This research aims to develop the potential ecotourism of mangrove forests in Muara Village, through identification of perception, motivation, and interest of the people in Muara Village and visitors to mangrove forest ecotourism development. The methods used were interviews, observation, and literature studies. The results of the research shows that Muara Village mangrove forests have the potential of tourist sites such as fishing, boating and enjoying the natural beauty of the mangrove forest. Perception of some of the community supports the tourist development of mangrove forests in Muara Village because there motivated to improve people's welfare. Meanwhile, the perception of visitors to the mangrove forests is expressed in their admiration for the natural beauty of Muara Village mangrove forests, but public facilities are considered unfavorble. Interest of most visitors is boating and fishing in the mangrove forest of natural tourist sites in Muara
dc.subject.ddcForest Managementid
dc.titlePengembangan potensi hutan mangrove untuk tujuan ekowisata di Desa Muara Kecamatan Teluknaga Kabupaten Tangerangid
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)id
dc.subject.keywordMangrove forestid
dc.subject.keywordForest ecotourismid
dc.subject.keywordCorporate social responsibilityid

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