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dc.contributor.advisorTrisminingsih, Rina
dc.contributor.authorPrasetyo, Hari
dc.description.abstractBogor Regency is one of regions that has a high chance and tourist attraction. Beside a strategic location, Bogor Regency also has many beautiful natural tourism. The lack of information makes the tourists don’t know and visited natural tourism in Bogor Regency. Therefore we need a system of the recommenders. This study was conducted to establish the recommender systems Bogor Regency natural tourism which is expected to provide reference to travelers who want to / will visit Bogor Regency. The system is built with the recommenders using item-based collaborative filtering and the Android platform. The recommenders system is able to display a list of nature tourism with the description based on recommendations from the user.en
dc.subject.ddcComputer scienceen
dc.titleSistem Perekomendasi Wisata Alam di Kabupaten Bogor Berbasis Mobile Menggunakan Metode Item-Based Collaborative Filteringen
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subject.keywordrecommender systemen
dc.subject.keywordnatural tourismen
dc.subject.keywordcollaborative filteringen

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