Periode Kenyamanan Manusia dalam Mushola Surau Gadang, Sumatera Barat
This study conducted in Mosque Surau Gadang, Koto Baru, West Sumatera for 25 days. Mosque of Surau Gadang was approximately 80% made of wood. The study was porposed to measure the daily cycle of climate and weather element limited to sunlinght intensity in outside Mosque of Surau Gadang, temperature and RH inside Mosque of Surau Gadang measured using tool Environment meter Krisbow KW06-291. Four models (linear sine, exponentialsine, power-sine and logarithmic –sine) were conducted to fit the sunlight intensity. Linear sine curve was the best among others. The sunlight intensity was dominated by uncomfort zone at 07:53-17:39 GMT+7, the rest is 06:23-07:53 GMT+7 and 17:39-18:27 GMT+7 sunlight intensity in comfort zone. Temperature inside Mosque of Surau Gadang are in a comfort zone all day either during the day or night, because Mosque of Surau Gadang located in the hills. Humidity (RH) is in two zones: comfort enough (at 10:00-18:30 GMT+7) and uncomfort (at 18:30-10:00 GMT+7). The combination of temperature and RH is a good indicator to measure the level of human comfort. Temperature and RH used to measure discomfort index Thom and heat index US NOAA. Base on Thom’s classification, the level of human comfort inside Surau Gadang’s Mosque located in two zones B and C. Zone B showing few people feel uncomfort at 20:00-09:15 GMT+7, zone C showing a half people feel uncomfort at 09:15-20:00 GMT+7, while, according to the classification of the US NOAA, comfort zone can be felt at 00:00-07:00 GMT+7, caution zone at 07:00-12:30 GMT+7 and 17:50-00:00 GMT+7, extreme caution at 12:30-17:50 GMT+7.
- UT - Forestry Products [2377]