Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Anatomi Otot Daerah Bahu dan Lengan Atas Beruk (Macaca nemestrina) 

      Husein, Wahid Fakhri | Supratikno | Nurhidayat (2012)
      The aim of this study is to observed the anatomy of muscles in shoulder and arm region of pigtail macaque, also to described the function of the muscles in relation with the type of terrestrial quadrupedal locomotion. ...
    • Anatomi Otot Daerah Bahu dan Lengan Atas Trenggiling Jawa (Manis javanica) 

      Astuti, Catur Fajrie Diah | Nisa’,Chairun | Novelina, Savitri (2012)
      The study was aimed to observe the anatomy of muscles in shoulder and arm regions of Malayan pangolin included their origins and insertions in order to describe the functions of the muscles. The study was used two samples ...
    • Anatomi Otot Daerah Panggul dan Paha Trenggiling Jawa (Manis javanica) 

      Sundawa, Singgih Pratiknyo | Nisa’, Chairun | Supratikno (2014)
      The purpose of the study was to observe the muscles anatomy of the pelvic and thigh region of javan pangolin (Manis javanica) including the origin and insertion, and functions of the muscles related to pangolin behavior. ...