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dc.contributor.advisorBaihaqi, Muhamad
dc.contributor.authorPadli, Ihwan Nul
dc.contributor.authorKiswanto, Slamet Heri
dc.contributor.authorTrihidaini, Evni Fina
dc.contributor.authorI, M Naufal Rauf
dc.contributor.authorFatikhunnada, Alvin
dc.description.abstractChickens broiler transportation in Indonesia is still very simple, using bicycles, motorcycles, and pick up. Chicken broiler Transportation in Indonesia based on research is not suitable from government regulation about Healthy Poultry Transportation (OTAS). Chicken transportation currently use pickup, it is bad effect on condition of poultry being transported. The change of microclimate during poultry transportation make negative effects such as weight loss. In the other hand, chicken broiler transportation is also make environmental pollution, contrary with animal welfare issues and the spread of bird flu. From this case, Mini Closed House Vehicle (M-Clove) as a solution for poultry transportation. The purpose of this research was to compared chicken broiler perform included weight loss, mortality, temperature spread and physiology response. Data were analyzed by t-student test with two treatments and 60 replicants. The results showed that chicken broiler weight loss with open system transportation had significant difference (P<0.05) with green poultry transportation. Temperature spread and physiology response between open system transportation and green poultry transportation had significant difference (P<0.05). Mortality between open system transportation and green poultry transportation had no significant difference (P>0.05).en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University, Institut Pertanian Bogor
dc.titleM-clove (mini closed house vehicle) uji komparasi penurunan bobot badan (weight loss) ayam broiler yang diangkut dengan sistem transportasi konvensional dan sistem transportasi ramah lingkungan berbasis animal welfareen
dc.subject.keywordchicken broileren
dc.subject.keywordanimal welfareen

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