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dc.contributor.advisorWistara, Nyoman J
dc.contributor.advisorPari, Gustan
dc.contributor.authorBahri, Syaiful
dc.description.abstractThe agathis bark is expected to increase the energy content and durability of the resulting biopellet. The present research was aimed to analyze chemical components of agathis and to determine the quality of agathis wood biopellet fortified with its loosen bark. The klason lignin, extractives, holocellulose and α- cellulose content of wood and bark of the agathis were determined following the standard procedures of TAPPI T 222 0m-88, TAPPI T 204 0m-88, and Browning (1967), respectively. Biopellets of 15 mm diameter were prepared with pelletizing pressure of 1500 psi. The moisture content, ash content, density, durability, and calorific value of the resulting biopellet were compared to those required by DIN EN 14961-2 and 51731 standards. The α-cellulose and holocellulose content of the agathis bark were found lower than these of its wood. However, its klason lignin, extractive, and ash content were higher than these of its wood. The resulting biopellet retained the density of 0.61-0.71 g/cm3, moisture content of 0.42-4.52%, ash content of 0.79-2.73%, durability of 21.26-44.59%, and calorific value of 4524- 4628 kcal/kg. Except for that of the biopellet density and durability, all parameters satisfied the requirements of DIN EN standards. Thermal analysis of biopellet showed that water loss occurred at 36-100 oC and significant mass decomposition between 100 up to 475 oC with the weight loss of 77.34-80.51%. No further decomposition was found at above 480 oC.en
dc.subject.ddcForest Producten
dc.titleBiopelet Kayu Agathis dengan Penguat Kulit Lepasnyaen
dc.subject.keywordBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en

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