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dc.contributor.advisorFirdaus, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorK, Ida Bagus Perdana
dc.contributor.authorK, Nidaa Nazaahah
dc.contributor.authorAsnel, Amelia Rosita
dc.contributor.authorSaraswati, Manda Kumoro
dc.contributor.authorApriyana, Alfin
dc.description.abstractPoverty is the fundamental problem that faced by all people in the world, mainly in developing countries such as Indonesia.. The poverty factor also became an issue in Situ Udik Village. However, the villagers are not necessarily giving up to accept the situation. There is a program with the approach of partisipatory rural development that involves the entire villagers. The program is called Rereongan Serumpi. The purpose of this research is to analyze participation of Situ Udik Villagers to Serumpi infaq shadaqoh. To analyze the factors that affect the amount of infaq, to give explanation the program with SWOT Analysis, and also to provide the right policy recommendations to expand the program. Data was processed using Ordinary Least Square model. There are 5 variables that affecting the amount of Rereongan Serumpi Infaq. Marital Status, level of education, level of husband income, and consumption of which has significant and positive influence to the number of infaq. The revenue of wife has negative effects to the number of infaq.en
dc.description.sponsorshipDikti dan Sumber lainen
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University, Institut Pertanian Bogor
dc.titleAnalisis kontribusi shodaqoh infaq “rereongan serumpi” terhadap kesejahteraan warga desa situ udik, kecamatan cibungbulang bogor : sebuah impementasi participatory rural development di indonesiaen
dc.subject.keywordParticipatory Rural Developmenten
dc.subject.keywordOrdinary Least Squareen

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