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dc.contributor.advisorPriatna, Wahyu Budi
dc.contributor.authorMawadaturrohmah, Nisa
dc.contributor.authorI, Karizma Rindu
dc.contributor.authorRamadhan, Rizky Prayogo
dc.contributor.authorHapipah, Rina
dc.contributor.authorHumaedi, Idris
dc.description.abstractDiabetes mellitus or commonly known as DM has now become one of the leading cause of deaths in the world. Indonesia is placed at 4 world rank as the biggest contributor to the mortality rate that caused by diabetes. The most appropriate treatment for DM is normalizing and controlling blood glucose level. If the blood glucose level was not controlled at an early stage, it will reduce the body's antioxidant status and be the one cause of degenerative diseases when lasts continuously (Szalecky et al. 1999). Indonesia has many potential foods that able to decrease DM trend problem. One of those is honey,which rich of peptide and complex carbohydrate. The use of honey as a functional food to prevent high rising glucose level at diabetes, had to be innovated in its making process for better interest of people. Fortunately, Indonesia also has many traditional foods which need to be introduced to whole community such as dodol. Dodol has been so familiar to be innovated. Its innovation can be the one of alternative way for consuming honey and increasing its acceptability too. Rainbow Dogadu (Honey Dodol Garut),one of dodol innovation using honey as main humectants,is good for tackling diabetes and degenerative disease.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University
dc.title“Rainbow dogadu (dodol garut madu)”: usaha modifikasi pangan tradisional anti diabetes dan penyakit degeneratif (alternatif camilan sehat menarik)en

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