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dc.contributor.advisorSiswandi, Riki
dc.contributor.authorHidayat, Tri Apriyadi
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan tandur tulang bifasik kalsium fosfat (BKF) secara in vivo. Tandur tulang BKF adalah kombinasi hidroksiapatit (HAp) dan β-trikalsium fosfat (β-TKF). Delapan belas ekor domba dibagi menjadi dua grup. Grup pertama menerima BKF1 (kombinasi HAp 70%:β-TKF 30%)dan grup kedua menerima BKF2 (HAp 60%:β-TKF 40%). Kedua tandur tulang dibuat dalam bentuk pelet dan ditanamkandengan operasi aseptis pada bagian 1/3 proximo medial tulang tibia kanan. Sebagai kontrol pada medial tulang tibia kiri dilubangi tanpa pemberian tandur tulang. Pemeriksaan radiografi tulang tibia domba dilakukan pada hari ke-0 praoperasi, pascaoperasi, hari ke-7, 30, 60, dan 90 pascaoperasi. Parameter yang diamati adalah luas lesio, rasio densitas radiografi, radiopasitas, marginasi, bentuk tandur, dan bentuk kerusakan tulang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tandur tulang BKF2 mempunyai biodegradasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan tandur tulang BKF1. Hal ini terlihat dari penurunan rasio densitas radiografi dan luas BKF2 yang lebih besar daripada BKF1 hingga hari ke-90 pascaoperasi. Akan tetapi, persembuhan tulang terjadi lebih cepat pada kontrol daripada BKF1 dan BKF2.en
dc.description.abstractThe study was conducted to evaluate in vivo bone graft biphasic calcium phosphat (BCP). Bone graft BCP is combination of hydroxyapatite (HAp) and β-tricalcium phospate (β-TCPl. Eighteen domestic sheeps were divided into two groups. Each group recieved different combination of BCP. The first group received BCP1 (HAp 70%:β-TCP 30%) and the second received BCP2 (HAp 60%:β-TCP 40%). Both of the bone grafts were shaped into a pellet form and were implanted under aseptic surgery on the 1/3 proximomedial of right tibia bone. The left tibia bone was drilled without bone graft as control. Bone graft were subjected to radiographic examination before and after surgery. Continously radiographic evaluation also performed at 7 th , 30 th , 60 th , and 90 th day postoperative. The observation parameters were lesion area width, radiographic density ratio, radiopacity, margination, the shape of bone graft, and control under radiographic evaluation. The result shown that BCP2 had better biodegradability properties than BCP1. This was evident from the decreased in the radiographic density ratio a nd area of BCP2 greater than BCP1 until ninetieth days postoperative. However, bone healing occurred more rapidly in controls than BCP1 and BCP2.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University
dc.titleEvaluasi radiografi tandur tulang bifasik kalsium fosfat (bkf) pada tulang dombaen
dc.title.alternativeRadiographic evaluation of biphasic calcium phosphate (bcp) bone graft in sheepen
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisen
dc.subject.keyworddensitas radiografien
dc.subject.keywordevaluasi radiografien
dc.subject.keywordtandur tulangen

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