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dc.contributor.advisorSitanggang, Imas Sukaesih
dc.contributor.authorWijayanti, Risa Ika
dc.description.abstractRice is an agricultural commodity which plays an important role in economy and becomes a main food for Indonesian people. Currently, Java Island provides the largest contribution in paddy production. Ministry of Agriculture has provided information regarding paddy production in Indonesia that can be accessed by public. The existing representation of paddy production information is less interactive because the information is provided only in the tabular format. In this study, web-based geographic information system (GIS) was developed using OpenGeo Suite 3.0 software. OpenGeo Suite 3.0 is an application which bundles PostgreSQL with a spatial extension PostGIS as a database management system to interactively display information on the spread of paddy production in Indonesia and GeoServer as map server. The GIS displays information about production, productivity, and harvested areas of paddy in the form of tables, maps, and graphs. The system is useful to facilitate the public in accessing information regarding paddy production in all districts in Indonesia.en
dc.subject.ddcWeb pageen
dc.subject.ddcComputer scienceen
dc.titleSistem Informasi Geografis Berbasis Web untuk Produksi Padi di Indonesia Menggunakan OpenGeo Suite 3.0en
dc.subject.keywordweb-based geographic information systemen
dc.subject.keywordpaddy productionen

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