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dc.contributor.advisorSupriyo, Prapto Tri
dc.contributor.advisorIlyas, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorHendrayan, David
dc.description.abstractAt peak season, the number of passengers and vehicles that uses ferry transport services is significantly increased. The increase of the number of passengers and vehicles can cause problems such as congestion on roads leading to the port and also hoarding of passengers and vehicles at the port. In order to minimize the impact of the increase of the number of passengers and vehicles, the provider of the ferry transport services must determine the optimum number of ships to be operated and develop appropriate scheduling. The problems can be modeled as an integer linear programming. This model is implemented in the case of the ports of Merak Banten and Bakauheni Lampung. With this model one can obtain the optimum number of ships and ferry schedule from one port to another port.en
dc.subject.ddcNumber theoryen
dc.subject.ddcMathematics and natural scienceen
dc.titleMasalah Penjadwalan dan Penentuan Jumlah Kapal: Studi Kasus di Pelabuhan Merak dan Bakauhenien

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