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dc.contributor.advisorBarus, Baba
dc.contributor.advisorMunibah, Khursatul
dc.contributor.authorChrisdianti, Athu Puspa
dc.description.abstractIkonos imagery has not been maximized because we just use it to get an overview of the rice field in the context of blocks or land use. Another potential that could be develope is to create the boundary of plot ownership and authority. The objective of this research is to identify the plot and agricultural land use, verification the plot of agricultural land into parcels of land, and knowing the status of authority and patterns of agricultural land management. Accuracy value for plots identification is 69%. This value affected by the difficulty in identification when the appearance of the dykes faintly visible on the image, ability and experience of the interpreter, and the image recording time that too far to the field survey and mapping process. Meanwhile, accuracy value for land use identification is 90%. Ikonos imagery has potential for mapping the boundary of agricultural land plots which used as a material for parcel mapping and the authority status during field verification. Field verification becomes an important task to do because the parcel boundaries can not be seen directly through the image. The authority status in the Desa Ciburuy is the owners and landless farmers and the highest number is the status of landless farmers. Cropping pattern that is widely used is rice-rice and rice block dominate the agricultural land in the Desa Ciburuy. Land area, cropping patterns and authority status does affect the profit.en
dc.subject.ddcBogor-Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.ddcLand useen
dc.subject.ddcSoil scienceen
dc.titleCitra Ikonos untuk Identifikasi Batas Petakan dan Penggunaan Lahan Pertanian di Desa Ciburuy, Kecamatan Cigombong, Kabupaten Bogoren
dc.subject.keywordlandless farmersen
dc.subject.keywordimage interpretationen
dc.subject.keywordIkonos Imageen

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