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dc.contributor.advisorPanuju, Dyah Retno
dc.contributor.advisorWahjunie, Enni Dwi
dc.contributor.authorSholihah, Rizqi I’anatus
dc.description.abstractIncreasing population causes escalation in demand of land for food production, settlements, and public facilities. Meanwhile, land availability is fixed and limited which encourage utilizing marginal or unsuitable land. Land utilization for food production which not comply its capability would have negative effect both physically and economically. To avoid those effects, optimal cropping pattern should be determine to support sustainable agricultural development. This research aims to determine optimal land for food production areas by considering the potential erosion, land rent, and rice sufficiency. Linear goals programming is employed to devise the optimal choice of land use pattern. The study area includes four sub-districts in Subang, West Java namely Cipeundeuy, Kalijati, Pabuaran, and Patokbeusi. Optimum cultivation pattern on the agricultural land was organized to achieve three targets including (1) to minimized erosion for land preservation, (2) to provide the highest economic benefits for farmers, and (3) to meet rice sufficiency of study area. This study designed twelve scenarios with different targets combination. It is showed that scenario VI and XII is the best combination comply the expected targets. Both scenarios produce optimal cropping patterns with the lowest erosion values of 85.528,10 tons/year, generate the highest economic benefit for farmers at Rp 525.890.970.000,- and yield 46.598 tons rice for scenario VI and 181.730 tons rice for scenario XII. Decision tree analysis shows that the economic benefits strongly affected spatial distribution pattern of optimum land utilization.en
dc.subject.ddcSubang-Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.ddcAgricultural Landen
dc.subject.ddcSoil Science and Land Resourceen
dc.titleOptimasi Pola Tanam pada Lahan Pertanian dengan Mempertimbangkan Potensi Erosi, Land Rent, dan Kecukupan Beras di Wilayah Subang, Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.keywordrice sufficiencyen
dc.subject.keywordlinear goals programmingen
dc.subject.keywordland renten

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