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dc.contributor.advisorBaskoro, Dwi Putro Tejo
dc.contributor.advisorWahjunie, Enni Dwi
dc.contributor.authorPratiwi, Eka Febriani
dc.description.abstractIncreasing need of agriculture land each year result in the increasing of forest land conversion. Conversion of forest land to agriculture land may lead to decrease in the physical quality of the land. A research aimed to compare the difference of soil physical properties under secondary forest, mixed farms, and annual crop was conductied on two soil types i.e. Latosol Darmaga and Podsolik Jasinga. Methods used in this research were suited to the analyzed parameters. The result shows that soil under mixed farm and annual crop tend to have higher bulk density, lower total porosity, lower water availability, lower permeability, lower water field content, and higher penetrability than soil under secondary forest both in latosol Darmaga or podsolik Jasinga. The result also shows that the difference physical quality between soil under forest and soil under mixed farm and annual crop in podsolik Jasinga is higher than those in latosol Darmaga. Latosol contain higher polyvalent cations than podsolik so that it has better aggregate consilidation and more stable soil structure. This suggests that Podsolik Jasinga is more susceptible than latosol.en
dc.subject.ddcBogor-Jawa Baraten
dc.subject.ddcSoil Propertiesen
dc.subject.ddcSoil Scienceen
dc.titleKarakteristik Fisik Tanah pada Beberapa Penggunaan Lahan di Tanah Latosol Darmaga dan Podsolik Jasingaen
dc.subject.keywordsoil physical propertiesen

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