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dc.contributor.advisorArdiansyah, Muhammad
dc.contributor.advisorGandasamita, Komarsa
dc.description.abstractLand and forest fire always occurs every year with varying intensity and frequency and have impact to the environment, social and economic. Central Kalimantan is one of the Provinces in Indonesia very vulnerable to land and forest fire. Biophysical factors and human activities are the cause of land and forest fire, although it is currently unknown exactly how big its influence on the occurance of land and forest fire, however conditions in the field suggests that the main cause of land and forest fire happened in Kalimantan and Sumatra influenced by the human factor. This research was aimed to identifying and mapping the dynamics of the vulnerability of land and forest fire. The method used to compile a model is a method of Composite Mapping Analysis (CMA). The vulnerability assesment of land and forest fire in the peroid 2005 and 2012 is based on the equation model of the year of 2009. The most influential factor in the development of vulnerability model each year is land cover/use and the depth of peat. The vulnerability level with very high category and with the largest area occurred in 2006 (El-Nino year). Sub-district of Mantangai is a sub-district with vulnerability level of very high and most extensive compared with other sub-districts in the district of Kapuas. Meanwhile, type of land cover/use that always exist from high-level to very high vulnerability is the swampy shrub, shrub, and plantation.en
dc.titleDinamika Kerentanan Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Kabupaten Kapuas, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengahen
dc.subject.keywordland and forest fire vulnerabilityen
dc.subject.keywordland cover/useen
dc.subject.keywordland and forest fireen

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