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dc.contributor.advisorMunibah, Khursatul
dc.contributor.advisorPanuju, Dyah Retno
dc.contributor.authorTiara, Annisa
dc.description.abstractThe strategic position of Sukabumi City between Jabodetabek and Bandung Raya intensified the development in this region. It implied to the high of land use/land cover change (LUCC) in Sukabumi City. We utilized IKONOS in 2010 and 2012 to determine LUCC pattern. Furthermore, multiple regression was employed to find out affecting factors of LUCC. Skalogram analysis was then utilized to find out the level of regional development, descriptive analysis to correlate LUCC and level of regional development, and benchmarking of current utilization to evaluate the conformity of current land use/land cover with Spatial Plan (RTRW). The spatial analysis showed that within two years, built up area of Sukabumi increased at 2.8% while rice field and unproductive land decreased at 1.2% and 1.9% respectively. Factors affecting of LUCC in Sukabumi City were the availability of land; distance to CBD, allocation of Spatial Plan (RTRW); distance to economic, education, and medical facilities; regional development index; and the increase of population. Unproductive land change into agricultural land occured in 2nd hierarchy and 3rd hierarchy, whereas agricultural land change into built up area and unproductive land change into built up area occured in all of the hierarchy. Land use/land cover in 2012 conformed with RTRW was 36.6%, while 45.1% was undeveloped, and 2.3% was unconfirmed the plan.en
dc.titlePerubahan Penggunaan/Penutupan Lahan dan Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya (Studi Kasus: Kota Sukabumi, Jawa Barat)en
dc.subject.keywordregional developmenten
dc.subject.keywordfactors of changeen
dc.subject.keywordland use/land cover changeen

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