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dc.contributor.advisorR.P. Sitorus, Santun
dc.contributor.authorSalamba, Herlina Nanny
dc.description.abstractSouth Bolaang Mongondow is a new district having a potency of agricultural land resources for agriculture development. However, information of land resources is limited, therefore research on land suitability analysis to arrange zoning of agricultural commodities in this district is needed. The objectives of this study were: (1) To analyze the superior commodities, (2) To analyze suitability of land for the superior commodities, (3) To develop superior commodities zoning map. The procedure includes an analysis of superior commodities using LQ and SSA, land suitability evaluation by matching of land quality/characteristics and land use requirements. While the zoning of agricultural commodities was prepared based on superior commodities areas results of phisic land suitability result and its economic parameter. The results show that there are 13 superior commodities agricultural, namely paddy, upland rice, maize, cassava, sweet potatoes, soybean, peanuts, green beans, cloves, coconut, cocoa, coffee and pepper. The results of the analysis leading agricultural commodities in South Bolaang Mongondow there are 13 leading commodities namely paddy, upland rice, maize, cassava, sweet potatoes, soybeans, peanuts, green beans, cloves, coconut, cocoa, coffee and pepper. But in each district varies superior commodities . Bolaang Uki district commodities namely : paddy rice , upland rice, cassava, sweet potatoes, peanuts, green beans, coconut and coffee ; Pinolosian district commodities namely : clove, Central Pinolosian district commodities namely : maize, soybean, coconut, cocoa and pepper, East Pinolosian district commodities namely : paddy rice , maize , soybean , coconut and pepper. The largest land suitable superior commodities for food crops ( S1 , S2 and S3 ) area of 8512.6 ha (15,3 %) found in the Bolaang Uki district. The largest land suitable for perennial crops/plantation ( suitability class S1 , S2 and S3 ) area of 47058.6 ha ( 84.7 % ) in the Bolaang Uki district, East Pinolosian district, Pinolosian district and Central Pinolosian, respectively. Zoning of agricultural commodities compiled by leading commodities groupings that exist in each district , namely a) . Wetlands farming system (PS) covering an area of 2943.1 ha ( 5.3 % ) with paddy rice superior commodities , b ) dry land farming system for food crop covering area of 5569.6 ha ( 10 % ) with paddy fields , maize , cassava , sweet potato , soybeans , peanuts , green beans superior commodities and c ) . dryland farming systems for perennial crops covering an area of 47058.6 ha ( 84.7 % ) with coconut , cloves , coffee , cocoa and pepper superior commodities .en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAgricultural Commodities Zoning Based on Superior Commodities and Lanen
dc.subject.keywordAgricultural commodities zoningen
dc.subject.keywordland evaluationen
dc.subject.keywordsuperior commoditiesen

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