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dc.contributor.advisorBudianto, Bregas
dc.contributor.authorSetiawan, Jeffry
dc.description.abstractEvapotranspiration can be measured using lysimeter. The purpose of this study was to test lysimeter design with tipping bucket flowmeter. Lysimeter are tested with size of 2600 cm2 and 5200 cm2. Measurement of evapotranspiration made with closed water balance on the lysimeter. Lysimeter automatically record the drainage water from the tipping bucket signal. Measurement result of the lysimeter indicating similar with evaporation on class A pan evaporimeter. Lysimeter automatically can provide information on the character of soil infiltration and character of rate drainage lysimeter during rain. Lysimeter automatically with size of 2600 cm2 and 5200 cm2 having character the same performance to measure potential evapotranspiration which the design is recommended for use with the lysimeter size of 2600 cm2.en
dc.titleUnjuk Kerja Lysimeter Otomatis dengan Bantuan Tipping Bucketen
dc.subject.keywordtipping bucketen
dc.subject.keywordpotential evapotranspirationen
dc.subject.keywordautomatic lysimeteren

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