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dc.contributor.advisorPriyono, Agus
dc.contributor.advisorRusdiana, Omo
dc.contributor.authorManurung, Jeffri
dc.description.abstractWater quality (KA) of the upstream of Ciliwung River was important affecting the efforts to comply water necessities for community’s activities. Thus there need a study to determine the change of KA due to waste discharge (BP) that flow into stream. The objectives of this research were to identify river’s utilization, source of pollutant, to evaluate condition of river’s KA, and to calculate BP and BP capacity (DTBP). Literature review method was used to collect secondary data that consisted of KA, demography, tourism, total of livestock, total area of farming land and total of industry. Primary data were collected by using field observation and interview to the community. Used analysis method was Rapid Assessment of Sources of Air, Water and Land Pollution to determine status quality of water and BP; meanwhile DTBP was calculated based on BMA class I (PP No 82 of 2001) and utilization of river and source of pollutant were analyzed descriptively. Main source of BP was from river utilization by community which includes domestic, animal husbandry and farming wastes. Main BP couldn’t be contained anymore due to limited DTBP of river. Total of BP excesses were, respectively, 7.3356 ton month¹ BOD, 1005.82 ton month¹ COD and 478.29 ton month¹ TSS. Generally, quality status of upstream Ciliwung River’s water in 2008-2012 was ranged between moderately polluted to fine; it could be seen from parameters such as BOD, COD, phosphate, DO, TSS and total coli that have been exceding BMA.en
dc.titleKajian Beban Pencemaran dan Daya Tampung Beban Pencemaran Sungai Ciliwung Hulu Segmen Kabupaten Bogoren
dc.subject.keywordwater qualityen
dc.subject.keywordsource and waste dischargeen

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