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dc.contributor.advisorSadiyo, Sucahyo
dc.contributor.authorGunawan, Andi
dc.description.abstractCross Laminated Timber is a multi-layer wooden panel made of lumber. Each lamina glued or nailed in cross-wise to the adjacent layers for increased rigidity and stability. The objectives of this research are to determine the effect of lamina thickness combination and angle orientation to characteristic of cross laminated timber from nangka wood (Arthocarpus heterophyllus Lamk.) using nail. The average of density, moisture content, volumetric swelling, volumetric shrinkage are 0.58g/cm3, 8,62% , 3.72%, 1.84% respectively. And then for modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture , and shear strength of nail are 13948 kg/cm2, 260 kg/cm2, 18 kg/cm2, respectivelyen
dc.titlePengaruh Kombinasi Tebal dan Orientasi Sudut Lamina Terhadap Karakteristik Panel Laminasi Silang Kayu Nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk.)en
dc.subject.keywordthickness combinationten
dc.subject.keywordnangka wooden
dc.subject.keywordcross laminated timberen
dc.subject.keywordangle orientationen

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