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dc.contributor.advisorHazra, Fahrizal
dc.contributor.advisorSantosa, Dwi Andreas
dc.contributor.authorKurniawan, Firman
dc.description.abstractBiofertilizer quality tests should be done to analyze the content, the benefits and the risks to meet the biofertilizer quality standards. The study was conducted by testing the effectivity of microbe against pest, odor reducer and decomposer, its pathogenicity for animal and hypersensitivity for plant, antagonism among microbes and identification of the microbes. Biofertilizer of "Provibio" contained 9 isolates, but 1 isolate of ICBB 7125 which was suspected as Microbacterium lacticum could not be cultured. The results showed that isolate of ICBB 6095 possess inclination can mortality increase of grayak caterpillar (Spodoptera litura), isolate of ICBB 8808 can reduce feces odor of chicken which was tested by organoleptic method, isolate of ICBB 8810 and ICBB 9182 possess inclination can hasten straw composting. ICBB 6099 and ICBB 6095 showed pathogen (α-hemolysis) for animals, meanwhile ICBB 6099 was antagonistic against ICBB 6088. Based on the morphological and biochemical studies, the isolate of ICBB 6099 was identified as Listeria sp., ICBB 6088 as Azospirillum sp., ICBB 9098 as Azotobacter sp., ICBB 9251 as Bradyrhizobium sp., ICBB 9065 as Bacillus thuringiensis and ICBB 8810 as Bacillus sp. In addition, isolate of ICBB 6099 had been identified as Lactobacillus sp. most probably the stock culture of isolate was contaminated of the Listeria sp. Two of the member of “Provibio” community are fungi i.e. the ICBB 9182 that was identified as fungi belongs to class of Basidiomycetes and ICBB 8808 that was identified as Saccharomyces sp.en
dc.titleUji Efektivitas Mikrob Anti Hama, Anti Bau dan Dekomposer yang terkandung dalam Pupuk Hayati “Provibio”en

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