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dc.contributor.advisorMarliyati, Sri Anna
dc.contributor.advisorAnwar, Faisal
dc.contributor.advisorM. Damanik, M. Rizal
dc.contributor.authorRahman, Nur
dc.description.abstractCancer is the first ranks as the cause of death in the world, which is reaching out of total deaths number 7.4 million people or 13 % of total deaths. 72 % of total death in developing countries one of these is Indonesia. Among non infectious diseases, cancer rank is found equal to the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (4th rank) as much as 10.2 % after stroke, hypertension, and ischemic heart. Cancer is a leading cause of death equivalent diabetes mellitus which note as 6th rank. This study aims to: (1). Study the qualitative chemical component content of takokak (Solanum torvum). (2). Analyse degree of ripeness of the takokak fruit extracts ethanol on yield, total phenol and antioxidant activity (3). Analyse the toxicity of extracts takokak. (4). Analyse the inhibition mechanism of extracts takokak on cells line cancer. (5). Study effect of extracts takokak as a cancer cells anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory. The study was designed in five stages: (1) Qualitative test chemical components of takokak extracts. (2) Experimental studies of extraction ethanol of takokak fruit. (3) Evaluation of toxicity levels of takokak extracts using brine shrimp lethality test method. (4) Inhibition test of takokak extract using MTT (5-dimethylthiazol-2, 5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide) method. (5) Experimental studies to examine the effect of the extracts takokak as anti-inflamation and anti-proliferation. The results of the study indicated that the qualitative test takokak root extracts has the most complete component, that were alkaloids, triterpenoids, tannins and flavonoids. The highest toxicity levels of extracts was leaves takokak extracts with LC50 value is 6.8 μg/ml. The results showed that extracts of dried dark fruit takokak ethanol 70 % had the highest yield that had 32.7%. The highest level of total phenol content was fresh dark fruit takokak extracts ethanol 70 % was 96,141.0 mg GAE/100 g. The highest level of antioxidant activity was takokak old dried fruit extracts 96 % ethanol was 1,406.0 g AEAC/100 mg. Extracts takokak fruit inhibited lung cancer cells (A549) with IC50 was 335.7 μg/ml. Extracts takokak fruit inhibited breast cancer cells (MCF-7) with IC50was 1,153.5 μg/ml. Extracts takokak fruit inhibited servic cancer cells (HeLa) with IC50 was 1,261.8 μg/ml. Concentration takokak extracts significant effected increasing levels of TNF-α (p=0.000) and levels of SOD (p=0.023). Concentration takokak extracts significantly effected decreasing levels of IL-6 (p=0.000).en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePotency of Takokak (Solanum torvum) as Anti-proliferation and Anti-inflammation Cancer Cellsen
dc.subject.keywordSolanum torvumen

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