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dc.contributor.advisorKarlinasari, Lina
dc.contributor.authorKusumanto, Hario Teddy
dc.description.abstractAs the increasement of its usefulness and demand, more people tried to get agarwood in any ways. Those can be lead threaten on its existence. By this condition, an innovation to detect agarwood inside the tree is necessary. The objective of this research was to know the physical properties and ultrasonic propagation characteristics of Aquilaria microcarpa Baill. The trees used in this research were 60 A. microcarpa with 3 different treatment condition, i.e trees without any infections as control, trees which infected by fungi for one time and infected three times. The testing were conducted by radial and longitudinal direction. Radial Testing were conducted to know the internal condition of the tree. Meanwhile, longitudinal testing were performed to predict the elasticity of the wood. Physical properties samples were taken from the bark to the core of the tree. Ultrasonic propagation testing in radial direction showed that its value at 20 cm, 130 cm and 200 cm of the tree height of the control trees were 969 m s-1, 915 m s-1 and 943 m s-1 respectively. For those height, ultrasonic propagation value at trees which infected for one time were 955 m s-1, 913 m s-1 and 911 m s-1respectively, meanwhile at the trees which infected for three times were 1008 m s-1, 928 m s-1 and 953 m s-1 respectively. At the longitudinal testing, the average values of ultrasonic propagation were 3366 m s-1, 3188 m s-1 dan 2817 m s-1 for control, one inoculation, and three inoculations trees, respectively. The dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOEd) value of the control trees, the trees which infected for one time and three times were 9.194 GPa, 8.498 GPa and 5.703 Gpa, respectively. Statistical analysis revelaed that the interaction between tree height measurement and treatments were not significantly influenced for ultrasonic velocity tested radially as well as single factor for both height measurement and treatments. Meanwhile, inoculation treatments were significant difference on ultrasonic velocity testing longitudinally and dynamic MOE. The average value of moisture content of the wood was 53.18%, while the density was 0.75 g cm-3.en
dc.titleKarakteristik Sifat Fisis dan Kecepatan Gelombang Ultrasonik Pohon Penghasil Gaharu Jenis Aquilaria microcarpa Baill.en
dc.subject.keywordultrasonic propagationen
dc.subject.keywordphysical propertiesen
dc.subject.keywordAquilaria microcarpa Baillen

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