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dc.contributor.advisorSaleh, Muhamad Buce
dc.contributor.authorLavi, Dinial
dc.description.abstractLandsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) 8, better known as Landsat 8, has been launched by NASA in February 11th 2013, to replace the mission of Landsat 7 that damaged since May 2003. Landsat 8 have sensor onboard Operational Land Imager (OLI) and the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) with 11 channels.This study was to evaluate the applicabilityofLandsat8in differentiating land cover types, especially on bare land and young plantation. The study was conducted in the area of Perum Perhutani KPH Ciamis, by using methods of field object identification analysis, determination of training area, separation analysis, discriminant analysis and spatial modeling.Objects Identification analysis recognized 33 observation points with 5 classes of land coverage, i.e. bare land (11 points), 1-year-old teak plantation (6 points) , 2-year-old teak plantation (5 points) , 3-year-old teak plantation (5 points) and 4-year-old teak plantation (6 points). Separation analysis, using 2-5-6-7-9-10-11 band, indicated that the degree of separation of 2, 3 and 4 years old teak plantation were not good enough, so its needed to be re-grouped. Further analysis determined 3 land cover classes with very good values of separation(2000), i.e.bare land, 1-year-old teak plantation and plantation of teak aged 2-4 years . Discriminant analysis of the three classes of land coverage obtained proportion correct value of 70 %. Mapping by using spatial modeling of land coverage, indicated that the mapping of bare land, 1-year-old teak plantation and teak plantation aged 2-4 years consecutively produced underestimate, equal and overestimate than those of Landsat 8.en
dc.titleAplikasi dan Evaluasi Citra Landsat 8 OLI dalam Identifikasi serta Pemetaan Tanah Kosong dan Tanaman Jati Muda di KPH Ciamisen
dc.subject.keywordland coverageen
dc.subject.keywordspatial modelingen
dc.subject.keywordLandsat 8en
dc.subject.keywordseparation analysisen
dc.subject.keywordDiscriminant analysisen

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