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dc.contributor.advisorYuliani, Titiek Siti
dc.contributor.authorDarajat, Yagus Munandar
dc.description.abstractThe most common strategy used by farmers to control pests is the application of pesticide. The use of pesticide by farmers is different for each kind of cultivated crops. The use of pesticide on vegetable crops is more intensive than ornamental plant crops. This study aimed to compare pesticide use patterns between vegetable and ornamental plant farmers, and to know the factors that influence. This study was conducted by using direct survey method using structured questionnaires to collect a primary data. The secondary data was obtained from government institution of Cipanas. The survey location was determined by purposive sampling. The number of respondents were 75 for vegetables farmers and 45 for ornamental plant farmers. The result of this study showed that the most dominant strategy used by vegetable and ornamental plant farmers to control pests and deseases was use of synthetic pesticide. Paterns of pesticide use among vegetables and ornamental plant farmers have some simlilarities and differences. The similarities including knowledge of pesticide use, pesticide selection criteria, dose conformity with recommendation dose, the rotation and mixing pesticides, reading label, and post evaluation of pesticide application. The differences including basic consideration to apply pesticides, active ingredients used, intensity of application, pesticide selection, and pre harvest interval. Several factors may influence the patern of pesticides use on vegetable and ornamental plant farmers were level of education, climate and weather, farmer anxiety when their crops attacked by pest and disease, knowledge of pesticide application, and the presence of pesticides store.en
dc.titlePerbandingan Pola Penggunaan Pestisida pada Petani Sayuran dan Petani Tanaman Hias di Kecamatan Cipanas, Kabupaten Cianjuren
dc.subject.keywordpattern of useen
dc.subject.keywordvegetables and ornamental plant farmersen

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